A Sweet Day To Him

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Andy's Pov..

I wake up to a face in my neck and an arm around my waist. I smile knowing it's my boyfriend. I feel him squirm around. He soon turned his whole body away making me lose warmth. I sit up some and place a kiss very close by his mouth. His smiles. I giggle a little and now Patrick is facing me. I place a kiss on his lips. His soft, warm lip move in sync with mine making it a very long passionate kiss. Not make-out because of no lust just a sweet passionate kiss. I pull away smiling.

"Happy Birthday, Patrick " I whisper. He smiles at me.

" Thank you, Andy " Patrick said softly.

I peck his lips and got up and walked in the bathroom. I turned the handle to let the tub fill with hot/very warm water. I put bubble soap in the water. Soon the tub is full and I take my shirt off. I walk over to Patrick that is still in bed.

"Come take a bath with me. Please " I said.

Patrick smiles and nods.

We take off our clothes and get in. Patrick lays on my chest and sighs.

" What's wrong? " I asked him rapping my arms around him.

" Nothing. Just a little stressed out " he mumbles.

" I'm sorry. " I kissed his temple.

" It's fine "

" Maybe today we can relax and go somewhere for dinner, aye? " I asked him.

" That would be nice " Patrick said.

" Good "

Patrick and I just sat in the tub and let the quietness speak instead of us. I grabbed the shampoo and put some on my hand and started washing Trick's hair.

" Andy? "

" Hmm"

" Where are we going tonight? "

" Somewhere special, Trick "

" But! " Patrick turned to face me. I smiled and placed a quick kiss on his nose.

" You'll be fine "

Patrick turned back and relaxed. I finished washing is hair and started doing mine. After that we sat there for a few minutes in silence. I snake my arms around him sat my chin on his shoulder. I place sweet kisses on his cheek. Patrick giggles. I kissed his jaw, under the ear, on the temple, and on the lips. I whisper something I love telling him.

" I love you "

" I love you too " he whispers back. I sit there and hold him a minute then we got out. We got dried off and put clothes on.


" So this is the place? It's nice. Fancy too. " said Patrick as we walked into the restaurant, hand in hand.

A man walked up to us and ask if it's just two. I said yes and he walked us to a table.

" What would you like to drink, gentlemen? " ask the waiter.

" Water "I said. "Tea please." said Trick. The man nod and went to get us something to drink.

"Thank you, Andy, for taking me to this nice place"

"The pleasure is mine. I wanted to do something for your birthday and taking you out to lunch seemed good. "

The waiter brought out our drinks and asked us what we want to eat.

After telling him, I asked Patrick how his album is going.

" Good.. Good I'm almost done. I have 4 to 5 songs I got to work on and fix. But.. It's great. " He smiled at me.

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