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Andy's Pov.

I wake up in bed with Patrick's face in my shirt. His legs tangled with mine and my arms wrapped around his torso. I look down at his face and see him resting peacefully. He doesn't look stressed when he's asleep. I kiss the top of his head and hear him grunt. I laugh a little.

"PattyCakes, wake up, baby, it's Christmas. " I whispered. He groans.

" Don't want to get up, I'm warm." He whines.

" I'll make you hot chocolate " I bribe him. He slowly lifts up his head and looks at me. He sighs. A sad look brings him and he looks away, laying his head in the crook of my neck. I hug him tightly.

" Come on, baby, let's get you some hot chocolate and head downstairs with Elisa, open some gifts, and cuddle till we fall asleep. I think Joe and Pete is coming out too. He nods and slowly rises. He wipes his eyes and puts his glasses on as I do the same. We walk down stairs and see Elisa sit down in the love seat talking to Joe.

"Hey guys! Pete will be here later. " said Joe. Patrick mumbled Hey and okay. I nod. I turned to Patrick and said I'll make him that hot chocolate.

" Thanks" He said and sat down on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and started making Patrick hot chocolate.

I finished making it and handed to him. I sat down beside Patrick and look at the Tv to see The Nightmare before Christmas on pause. Of course it's not playing because Pete will surely kill us if we start it with out him.

"You feeling okay, Ellie? " said Patrick. She nods. "He keeps kicking me or something." she said. Patrick sat his mug on the coffee table and walked to Elisa placing his palm on her stomach. After about 30 seconds he grins.

"That's my little boy " he said. I walked back to were he was sitting and sat down next to me with this big smile.

A knock at the door came. Joe got up and answered it.
" WHAT'S UP, BITCHES! " we hear. Joe laughs as they walk in. Patrick stands up and Pete starts running to Patrick. Pete pulls Patrick into a hug.

" Hey Pete " said Patrick smiling as he hugs his best friend.

" Hey Trick! " said very excited Pete. They spilt and all sat down.

" How are you guys doing? " Pete asks.

" Good. How about you and Bronx? " Patrick said.

" we're good. He's with Ashlee this week. " he explained.

" I'm glad you're doing well! " said Patrick.

" Yea me too. How's the baby? " he asked us.

Patrick looks at me. "He's doing great he's due here soon. Like a couple days or so." I said.

"Awesome! I can't wait! " he said. "Alright let's get this movie rolling! I've been dying to watch again!!" he says. Trick and I laughed at his excitement as Pete pressed the play button on the remote. We all decided to open gifts tonight to change things up a little bit.

Patrick and I lay out on the couch as Elisa sitting sideways on the love seat letting her feet dangle. Joe is on the recliner eating popcorn. Pete's on the floor with a pillow and popcorn. He throws popcorn at us sometimes but Patrick just eats it. We watch the movie letting Patrick sing the songs. Pete hums with Patrick when What's this? comes on.

I wrapped my arm around Patrick, he layed his head on my shoulder. I kiss the top of his head and he smiles.

"Guys? " said Elisa. I look over and see her breathing heavy. Patrick got up and quickly walked over to her.

" My contractions are very short from each each other. Get me to the hospital now. " she said. Her face has pain written all over it. Patrick and I help her up out of the chair and slowly walked her to the car where Pete is starting it up. Joe, who grabs everything we need for when the baby is here, as in a baby carrier, the diaper bag, and blankets for Elisa. We all got into the car with Elisa crying and screaming. Pete quickly drove off to the hospital.

"Ahh!! It hurts!! " Elisa screams. Patrick Stump talks in a soothing voice trying to calm down Elisa.

" shh, we are almost there, I promise. " he says.

Elisa shook her head. Tears going down her face as she whimpers. Patrick continues to talk quietly even though Elisa is crying out in pain every 4 minutes.

" Damn it, Pete, hurry up! " I said. "I'm trying!!" He yelled.

We came to the emergency side of the hospital and quickly got a wheelchair and put Elisa in it. We quickly wheeled her in and nurses came out just as quick as we came in. They took her and Patrick followed them. Pete, Joe and I stayed back letting the doctors and nurses take Elisa way.

I look at Joe and Pete. We just stared at each other not knowing what to say. We all sat down in the waiting room, Pete pull his phone out and started playing on it. I lay my head down in my hands letting stress take me away. Joe must have saw my stressed self and started rubbing my back.

"It's okay, Andy, you and Patrick will be great dads. " said Joe. I sigh heavily.

" I'm not worrying about that, I'm just scared if Elisa doesn't make, then Patrick will blame himself for her death and will never forgive himself. " I said.

" Then let's hope she doesn't die. " said Pete.

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