You and Me Against The World

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Patrick's Pov (because that's how the plan goes)

December 26, 2011
10:03 am.

We all sit around Elisa, who is holding Dec, and slowly dying. I silently crying and so is the rest of us. She just smiles at me and Declan.

"I'm sorry "I said wiping my eyes but tears keep coming.

" It's okay. I knew this was going to happen. I-I forgive you. I did 9 months ago, Patrick, you don't have to apologize anymore. " she spoke softly. She looks at Dec and kisses his forehead.

" I love you, Declan, now take care of your daddies, okay. " she giggles. Declan who decides to open his eyes today but blinks a lot in return. I took out my phone and took a couple of pictures of them together. Something to show Dec when he gets older.

We watch as Elisa talks to Dec and plays with him and his bear that Elisa mother and father gave him.

Everyone is here today. Her family. My dad and step mom. Pete, Joe, and Andy too. My mother decided not to come. Even though I said she could but she didn't because she doesn't care about me or my son.

Andy and I sit on the left outside of the bed. Her mother and father on the right side. A doctor and nurses with equipment to start the heart again to see if they can get her back, stand outside of the room. Wires are hooked up to her. A heart monitor is on her. As time goes by the slower the pace her heart goes.

She barely has a half hour to live and is getting weaker by the moment. To the point we had to take Declan away from her.

I hold Dec as the doctor and nurses pushed everyone out except her parents and I. I look at Dec and see him looking up at me. The little guy doesn't even know that his mother is about to died. I hold him close to me. I watch as she dies and the doctor and nurses try to save her.

The doctor told that there was too much blockage that it didn't have enough blood to pump through to the heart.

They continue to try. But soon they stopped and said her death time.

10:43 am.


2 weeks later...

I'm sleep deprived. Waking up at 3 and 7 in the morning is killing me. I'm losing sleep and so is Andy. The child is hungry or has a dirty diaper or just simply crying because he wants held. It's not helping when I have shows because Andy has to say home with Declan on those nights. But sometimes Pete or Joe or Elisa's parents will watch him.

I am in my bedroom getting dressed for the show. I put on my blue suit and fingerless gloves. Declan is in his bouncer across from me. He plays with his bear and his red blanket on his lap. Andy is out in town getting food and stuff.

I leave my blue coat off, fear of something getting on it. I look over at Dec and see him watching me. I bend down and smile at him. I pick him up and hold him.

I walk down stairs with him and head into the kitchen. I grab a bottle of formula out of the refrigerator and put it in the microwave to heat it up. I lean up against the counter and play with Dec till the bottle was done. I gently grab his hand kiss it. He smiles. I kiss his forehead, my bangs touch his head and he giggles. I giggle along with him. I bend my head down letting my bangs tickle his face. He squeaks and giggles as I do it. I laugh as I lift my head back up and get his bottle out. I check the temperature of the milk. It's warm, just enough to give it to him. I put the bottle in his mouth, he instantly starts drinking. I smile.

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