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Trigger warning on most of the chapter. Apologies!!

Andy's Pov.

Im laying here in the bathroom with a razor blade and I cutted 5 times on my wrist. Blood is everywhere. On my arm, pants, floor, and shirt. Patrick gets in gear and grabs 2 towels and peroxide. The 25 year old man has tears down his face too. He wraps my arm and puts pressure on it to stop bleeding. Patrick doesn't say anything. Just sniffs and crys silently. He doesn't look at me. Like he is afraid to. He unwraps the towel. It stops bleeding. Patrick sighs in relief. He puts peroxide on the other clean towel and gently lays it on my arm which makes me whimper and tears fall. Patrick gets up and walking to the cabinet. He gets out the gauze and tap. He looks in it some more and moves things around. Then he pulls out a black box. That box has my blades. He opens it. He stares at it. Tears again rush out of his eyes. He closes it and puts it in his coat pocket. The box is small. He grabs the gauze and tap. He walks and sits down beside me and bandages up my arm. He gets up and walks to the door. But stood there. He turns around. He looks at me. Tears going down mine and his face. He walks over and helps me up. We walk to to my bedroom and he lays me down gently.

"I'll be down stairs " he said. I nod. I'm to weak and tired to argue that it's okay for him to go home. He helps me get in my covers. I fall asleep instantly. But I felt his lips on my forehead.

" Goodnight, Andrew " he said and I'm out cold.

Next day

I woke from a nightmare. Sweat and tears down my face. I get up and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and used the bathroom. After that I go down stairs. Patrick is pasted out on the couch with a blanket over him. I smiled. I wish I could cuddle with him but he doesn't like me that way.

I go in the kitchen and make Vegan waffles. Homemade too. After I sit the last waffle down cause I made 6. Normally I eat 2 but I didn't know if Patrick wanted some. Stupid he Is not a vegan loser like you. Said my bad side of the brain. Shit it's right. I don't have any to make normal ones. But there is cereal. I'm glad I got normal cereal yesterday. (I got it cause Joe was over). I hear foot steps. Then came in Mr. Cute bed head yawning.

"Morning Andy " he said smiling. That perfect smile. His perfect green blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair. He is wearing sweat pants that are Joe's and are too big for him. He has a white t-shirt on too. Patrick equals Perfection.

" Morning Patrick. I made homemade vegan waffles but if don't want to try them there is cereal. " I said putting on a weak smile.

" I'll try the waffles" he said smiling.

"okay" I said and grabbed two plates and two forks. I sat them don't on the table and grabbed the plate of waffles. We sat down and ate.

"Wow. " he said.

" What? " I asked.

" they are fucking amazing, dude, I never had something taste this good. " he said smiling of course.

" Thank you, Patrick " I said taking a drink of my orange juice.

" You are welcome " he said.

We ate in silence again. Then we put the dishes in the sink. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I went to scratch my arm but my bandage was blocking it. I groan.

" Here take it off " said caring Patrick.

I take it off and see all my scars. New and old. Patrick gasp. I look at him. I gently touches my scars on my arm. I have about 15 cuts. About 10 are old. Like 2-3 weeks old. Yes I was clean for 2-3 weeks. Now it's barely 24 hours.

"Andy. Why? " he said. Confused, upset, little angry look is on his beautiful face.

" Patrick. I don't know how to explain it " I said.

He nods. He gets up. He walks upstairs. I sit there. How do I tell the one that I love, that I love them and say how I'm depressed. I curl up into a ball. I want to cry but that seems to show that I am weak. I hear footsteps. Then Patrick is in front of me.

"I am going home to shower and change..... Maybe you can think of a way to tell me why you been cutting. I'll be back in a hour. " he says. What?! I'm no baby. I can take care of myself!

" Dude! " I said getting up and standing in front of him. "I'm 29. I can take care of myself!"

He nods.

"is that all you do?! Is nod! Say something!! " I yelled.

" What is there to say? You are a mess. I guess. That I can help you. I guess so too. But I don't know how. I'm worthless right now. I'm in shock still. I just saw my best friend " Ooh friend zoned! " bleeding and cuts on his wrist. I noticed that my best friend " Ooh friend zoned again!! " is depressed as fuck and I don't know how to help him" he had tears forming. "I-I am so-sorry." he said and walked out of my house. I sat down and curled up into a ball again. Crying. Again. I. Am. Weak.

I'm a freak.

A loser.












I give up on living.

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