TV Shows Are Da Best And So Is Hand Holding!!

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Patrick's Pov.

"hey do you want to go to my house and watch a movie? " I asked him.

" Sure I'd love to, Patrick! " said Andy.

We walked down the streets and passed people. I called a cab to pick Andy and I up at the Coffee shop. As we got to the Coffee shop, we sat down on the bench that was set here.

" Patrick? " said Andy as we still hold hands.

" yes, Andy " I said looking at him.

" are we a thing? " he asked. I want to be. I do but if he finds out about Elisa and might be pregnant, he'll hate me.

" I-If you want to be" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"I-I do" he said.

"then yes we are " I said and cup his face and kissed him. He kisses back instantly. After a few seconds I pull away.

He smiles. I lay my forehead on his. He seems happier. That's good.

* * *

Andy and I walk into my house and sat down on my couch.

I jumped up and looked at Andy. I grin.

"So what movie do you want to watch? " I asked him smiling like a idiot.

He smiled and said "What movies and TV shows do you have?"

Right when he mentioned TV shows. My favorite one popped up and I yelled it out too.... Embarrassing I know..

"SUPERNATURAL!!!!! " I yelled jumping up and down acting like a little kid.

" okay then we'll watch that! " he said happily. I nod and quickly grab the whole set which is season 1-9. I pop in the first season disc into the Blu-ray player. I sat down beside Andy and put my knees up to my chest. Andy was watching the Tv play very closely. He was so focused on the show that he jumped when I intertwined his hand in mine. I pull back.

"Sorry.... "I said looking down at my knees.

" Uh sorry too. You just scared me... That's all " he stuttered. I slowly nod and stare at my knees with my hands wrapped them.

Andy moved closer to me and grabbed my hand and intertwined them together. I look at them together. His colorful to my pale one together. I blush. Hard. Not that I'm not embarrassed or anything it's just.... Little things make me Blush okay. Seeing a kitten and puppy being together would make me blush and smile. I was so deep into thought that I just noticed that Andy had just kissed my cheek. I blush harder.

"you are so cute, you know that? " he states. I surely I was red as a tomato..

"yeah well your adorable when you laugh and smile" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"well your a little cutie po-toot when you blush really hard. "(po-toot is pronounced as p-o-t-oo-t) he said giggling. I giggle too.

" Andy? "I asked him.

" yes, PattyCakes? " he said grinning.

" What is a po-toot? " I said stupidly.

" it's you.... Well it means cute in all possible ways. " he said and kissed my cheek. I blush and giggle.

" Andy stop. You making me blush. " I giggled. He laughes at me. He grabs me and sits me on his lap. I smile. He does too.

" So. How long have you liked me? " I questioned.

" Forever " he said and gently grabs my face and kissed me lightly on the lips. We kiss passionly. Sparks. Perfect. Says the things that runs across my mind. His lips is soft as he moves them with mine. Nothing makes me want to stop but soon we both pull away and breath back to a more steady pace. I place my forehead on his. My hands and fingers ran softly cross his neck and nicely shaved face. We stay this way for a good few minutes. He soon gently lays us down on the couch. Both of us facing each other just admiring each other's faces. We say nothing. Just sometimes smile or blush. I might sound like a teenage girl but I don't care anymore. I just want him to be in my life forever. Is that to much to ask?

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