Lashton- The Things I Love About Luke

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Summary: "The things I love about Luke," He murmurs. 

This story is based on this cute GMH post that I saw a while ago on Tumblr. 


As his body shakes with sobs, Luke reflects on how hard it is to fight with someone you love. He feels horrible because Ashton is always the one who leaves after a fight, even if it's Luke's fault. When he's upset, he likes to burry himself in the warm bed sheets, and cry until the tears are gone. It's really pathetic, but it's Luke's way of letting all his emotions out. He doesn't know how Ashton is coping right now, but it feels unfair that Ashton doesn't get to mope around the room like he is right now.

After feeling a bit better, Luke attempts to busy himself with tidying up, picking up and folding all of Ashton's discarded clothes that were strewn around the whole length of the room. Despite the fact that they have been dating for a few months, Ashton's style never changes. It's still the warm, worn-out cotton that he's used to.

He folded up several shirts and flannels, and pulled open the top of Ashton's chest of drawers. Everything was haphazardly thrown into a heaping pile of mess. The only sound was the occasional sniffle, and Calum and Michael's shouting from the living room where they are palying video games.

Luke starts to carefully pull everything out, placing them gently on the bed. His hand comes into contact with something hard and thick. It felt cold, rather than the warmth that Ashton radiates. Frowning, Luke pulled it out. His eyebrows furrow when he takes in the sight of the smooth black book. Book was a wrong word, it was a diary.

He knew that he shouldn't read it; if Ashton hides something in his underwear, then it was usually personal and private. But alas, Luke's curiosity gets the best of him. Against his better judgement and his mother's teaching's, he opened the book.

"The things I love about Luke," He murmurs, reading Ashton's messy yet recognisable scrawl from the first page.

1 September 2014- I love the way Luke smiles after a performance, like he's shocked that people are actually cheering for him and make the effort of coming. Though I like the serious mask that he puts on when we are in public, I love seeing the real Luke.

2 September 2014- I love watching Luke at home. When he bends over to clean up messes that Malum always makes, those skinny jeans make his ass look amazing. It's hot.

3 September 2014- I love seeing Luke getting lost in music. He's so passionate about it. When you hear him sing, it's so full of emotions. Especially his favourite Blink 182 song, I Miss You.

4 September 2014- I love the feeling I get when we kiss. It feels like sparks are flying around us and electric shocks in my body. It's the best feeling in the world. Luke's lips taste like Vanilla, no matter what.

A few tears rolled down his cheeks, leaving a silvery path behind. He brushed them away with the palm of his hand. He turned a page again, this time moving ahead five or six pages.

30 November 2014- I love it when Luke and I cuddle together on the couch. He feels nice in my arms, and I like being close with him. Despite his size and the fact that he is a giant, he fits perfectly, back against my chest and head on my shoulder. Even when Michael and Calum make noise and hog the space on the couch, it's great.

31 November 2014- I love watching Luke style his hair. The way he fusses over it and how concentrated he gets. I find it cute. 

1 December 2014- I love the way Luke's eyes light up when he's happy or excited. Since it was already December and the fact that he loves christmas, he woke up all smiles and eyes bright. It made his eyes look a beautiful shade of blue.

2 December 2014- I love it when Luke gets bossy. Like today, he made Michael and Calum carry all the bags full of heavy christmas decorations and made sure that every detail was perfect. Even though I didn't like it when Luke yelled at me for slacking off, it's funny watching Malum suffer. To me, it was payback for all the times that they cockblocked us. 

Luke was sobbing heavily now, and he has to sit on the floor, otherwise he's scared that he'll fall and knock something over. The diary was sweet, Ashton was probably the only person in the world who would write down the things that he loved about Luke.

He continues flipping through pages, and he realizes that Ashton has written an entry for each day that they have been together. He felt a pang of guilt. Luke quickly skims through the diary, only reading the ones that stand out.

1 January 2015- I love watching Luke sing to an audience. When he sang, everyone was in tears because of how beautiful his voice is. I wasn't any better, but nobody saw. 

2 January 2015- I love it when Luke interacts with fans. Anybody could tell that Luke is obviously happy when he's around them. He treats them as if they were his sisters or daughters. The fans are like family to us, and without them, we would have never been where we are now.

3 January 2015- I love how Luke stands up to the haters. It's amazing that he stands up for those that he cares about. Like when he unfollowed that girl on twitter for hating on Michael. Luke slayed.

4 January 2015- I love it when Luke and I goof around with Michael and Calum. It makes me think of the possibilities of many more memories of 5SOS in the future. I will always treasure the memories and time spent together. But more importantly, I always think of having a future with Luke.

The diary drops at the startling revelation, and he curls up on the bed. Sobs escape his lips, and he bawls so hard that he has breathing difficulties. His eyes sting and a knot of pain begins to build inside his stomach.

He's loved Ashton for a long time now. Luke has told him that he loved him on many occasions, but not once has he ever heard it back. He had always assumed that Ashton thougth that their relationship wasn't serious. But Luke had to admit that sometimes he had that haunting feeling that Ashton didn't care, that he was ashamed of their relationship.

But now, Ashton loves him, he wanted a future with him. Luke wants exactly the same thing, he desperately wants it. But he scared because Ashton has never verbally admitted his feelings.

Taking a deep breath, Luke bends down and picks up the diary. Flipping a few pages, he stopped at the most recent entry, which was today. He could tell that it was written in the morning, before the fight.

17 March 2015- I love it when Luke is truly happy, like after concerts, when a fan tweets out good mornings or good nights to him or when it's just the four of us together. Luke glows with happiness and it's infectious. His eyes crinkle at the sides, his pearly white teeth are on show, and it's not hard to smile back.

Luke gripped the diary close to his chest, and he feels a twinge of happiness. Sure their relationship isn't perfect, they've had their ups and downs, but they were them. When they are together, it's only both of them, Ashton and Luke. The fight was awful, but it was just a bump. Luke knew that there is going to be problems, but he wouldn't have it any other way.


Author's note: I haven't been updating lately, but please send in prompts and requests. I am open to any. 

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