Mashton Kid Fic-At The Park

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I really wanted to do a Mashton chapter, and also because I have a thing for kid fics. Special appearances by Ben and Jack Hemmings :)

This will be done in third persons point of view.

"Be safe Ashton!" Anne Marie Irwin called out to her 7 year old son as he ran off to play with the other kids.

"I will," Ashton called back. He came to a stop under a shady tree and leaned against the trunk. Hazel eyes scanned the area as he watched the other kids play. 

"Hi!" A pale blonde haired boy shouted as he suddenly appeared in front of Ashton. Startled, Ashton jumped and faced the boy.

"Hi," Ashton greeted cautiously. The boy looked like your typical trouble maker, with a long fringe and loud voice.

"Come play with me and my friends," Without waiting for a response, the boy grabbed Ashton's hand and sprinted off to the other direction. Ashton didn't know how hyper someone could be at that time in the morning, but nonetheless followed behind.

The boy brought Ashton to a picnic table next to a stream, where action figures and nerf guns were strewn on the table.

"Michael who's this?" A curious voice behind him piped in. Ashton turned around and saw an asian-looking boy.

"I don't know yet. What's your name?" The pale boy asked and nudged Ashton.

"Ashton," He replied.

"As you know, I'm Michael and he's Calum," Michael introduced. Ashton couldn't help but blurt out what was on his mind.

"Are you asian?" Ashton blushed and covered his mouth with his hands.

"What no! I'm kiwi," Calum protested. A small giggle could be heard and Ashton looked down to face a younger looking boy who had blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes. He was the shortest among all of them.

"That's Luke," Michael said pointing to the boy. Luke shyly hid behind Calum's hip and burried his face in Calum's side.

"He's shy, but once you get to know him, his mouth won't stop talking," The kiwi boy said. Ashton nodded.

Turns out, Ashton got along well with the other boys and formed a bond with them. They shared a love for comic books and super heros and had an intense role playing game.

"If I'm a super heroe, I'll be called Cal-Pal and my costume will be green and yellow," Calum announced. Ashton couldn't help but snort at Calum's super hero name.

"Oh yeah? What's your super hero name then?" Calum asked pointedly at him.

"I'll be called Smash, 'cause I'll have huge muscles like superman," Ashton said smugly.

"Whatever, what about you Luke?" Calum asked Luke. Michael cut in the conversation.

"Luke will be like the Flash, 'cause he's smart with maths and dominates science," Calum and Ashton nodded in agreement.

"I'll be called Dr Fluke, and I'll have um, a pair of awesome and cool gloves," Luke exclaimed proudly. This time, Ashton burst out laughing and Michael did the same.

"It's not funny! S-stop l-laughing," Luke's bottom lip started to tremble and his eyes glistened with tears that threatened to fall. Michael and Ashton started to panic, but Calum wrapped his arms around Luke and held him close.

"Don't laugh at him," Calum all but growled and shot a glare at Michael and Ashton. The latter looked down in guilt and Michael shifted uncomfortably.

"I-i'm okay," Luke sniffled and rubbed his nose. 

"I'm sorry Luke," Ashton apologised.

"Yeah, what we did was mean and we won't do it again," Michael promised.

"It's okay, I forgive you," Luke smiled but didn't leave Calum's embrace.

"So what's your super hero name Michael?" Calum asked the pale boy.

"I'll be the leader with awesome hair and I'll be called mike ro wave!" The four looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

For the next few hours, the four boys played and had fun, until the sky started to darken and kids started to leave the park. 

"Sleepy," Luke yawned and his eyelids were starting to droop. Calum pulled Luke into his lap and let Luke rest his head on his shoulder.

"Me too," Michael said rubbing at his eyes.

"I had fun today, thanks for playing with me guys," Ashton said and rested his head on top of his knees that were pulled up against his chest. The other boys nodded in agreement.

"Luke! There you are, c'mon we have to go," Two older blonde haired boys that looked like Luke appeared. Luke held his arms out to be picked up and one of the boys placed Luke on his hips and carried him like an infant.

"Bye," Luke called and waved as he was being carried away. The other boys waved back at him and Calum stood up.

"I have to go, my mom is probably looking for me," Calum exchanged goodbyes to Michael and Ashton before heading off.

"I have to go too," Ashton made a move to stand up, but Michael grabbed his shoulder.

"This is for you. Uh, I have to go bye," Something was shoved into Ashton's hand and Michael ran away before Ashton could say anything. Ashton opened his palm to reveal a white lily in his hand. The gesture made Ashton blush, and it also gave him this tingling sensation in his chest.

Ashton didn't like flowers, but he'll like the ones that Michael will give him.

Well that was fun. For all the views that I got, I decided to write side Cake. I'm not sure to call this good or not, but everytime I read work a few days after I publish it, I realise that it's crap. I decided to put in the white lily part in because how cute will it be if that actually hapened? If I wrote a Lashton or Cake or Muke story, will anyone read it?

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