Cashton- Lortab

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To put it short: Maybe giving Calum medicine without reading the label wasn't one of Ashton's finer moments. Basically a fic where Calum is loopy, Ashton's an idiot, Luke just wants to cuddle, and Michael is like an irritated mother.

Normally, Calum would be looking forward to friday. It meant no band practice, so he could go home early, and his teachers never assign him weekend homework; so he was homework free. Most importantly, Ashton was coming over to spend the night that friday since his parents and sister was out of town for the week.

But when he woke up that friday morning, he knew it wasn't gonna be a good day.

Ugh... he thought as he rolled over to his side, grimacing. His head was pounding. When he stood up, his vision was swimming and he stumbled forward, holding a hand out infront of him to steady him and caught himself on the wall before he faceplanted on the ground. "Oh my god..." Calum mumbled, shaking his head in attempt to clear his vision.

Yet another wave of dizziness came over him, and he stumbled forward again. Shaking his head wasn't such a good idea, he mused. Calum took a deep breath, and stood up straight to stare at the wall ahead of him. He couldn't be sick. So maybe eating lots of pizza and sleeping late was a dead give away, he ate his vitamins and worked out ( even if he hated it ). So how the hell could he be sick?

Shit right! Calum thought as it hit him Luke recovered from flu and he must have spread his germs on me. Stupid Luke.

That had to be the reason. Eventually, his vision cleared and he made his way to the bathroom. After a hot shower, he was feeling a bit better, but the pounding in his head was still there.

Great, he thought as he got back in bed. His phone vibrated, and he winced as he sat up to get his phone. It was Ashton, ( god bless him ) who texted him.

From: Ashton

Good morning beautiful. Where are you? First bell is going to ring soon, be glad mr lockwood is always late.

Calum smiled. God can Ashton get any sweeter? No matter the situation, Ashton always made it better and brings a smile to your face. And his headache seemed to have gone temporarily.

To: Ashton

M'sick. I'm not going to school today.

With that, Calum set his phone back next to his head and waited for a reply. Almost instantly, his phone vibrated.

From: Ashton

I'm on my way. Hold still beautiful ;)

Calum put his phone away and pulled the comforter higher up his body. It was at that exact moment that the pounding decided to make itself known again. Come on Calum you can deal with this. He thougth miserably as he had to bit his lip from letting out a whimper.

But to his luck, the front door slammed open and he could hear the worried call of "Calum?" from his boyfriend.

"Up here," Calum called out weakly and the sound of heavy footsteps followed the pain of the pounding. The door opened and hazel eyes were staring at him with a concerned expression.

"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" Ashton asked and ran a hand through Calum's raven hair.

"No," He croaked and burried his face in his pillow. The bedroom door opened and two more sets of footsteps entered the room. Suddenly, a warm body was pressed to his side and the person rested their chin on his shoulder.

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