Mashton-Misunderstandings Part 2

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Michael's P.O.V(Warning:Self-harm)

During the meet and greet,a few fans asked me about my past relationship with Ashton.I flipped out and was ready to storm out of the dressing room,but those few fans told me that they were there when Ashton was with that girl and before assuming that Ashton was cheating,they video-taped the whole thing.That got me intrested.

The more I watched the video,the more information I got.It turns out,that girl was Ashton's cousin from America and that she brought Ashton there because she wanted to cheer him up because he had been depressed the whole time i was on tour.

Immediately,I felt extremely guilty for assuming,worst of all I regretted dumping Ashton and saying all those things to him.I knew Ashton was a sensitive person and he is probably thinking that it was all his fault.

I thanked the fans and I had a new mission:To make Ashton mine again.

Ashton's P.O.V

It's late at night and Amelia left to go to the store to get some more makeup.I was scrolling through Twitter and some tweets caught my eye.

"@Ashton5SOS,you're worthless and pathetic,no wonder Michael broke up with you"

"@Ashton5SOS,you should just rot in a hole"

"@Ashton5SOS,you're fat and ugly.You should just go and kill youself.The world will be a better place and nobody will miss you"

The last one effected me the most,because I remembered Michael's words you should just go and kill yourself.

I had always been self-conscious of my looks and weight.Running to the bathroom attached to the guest bedroom,I knelt over the toilet and forced to fingers down my throat.I emptied out the contents of my stomach and flushed the toilet.Wiping my mouth,I slid down against the wall.Out of the corner of my eye,something silver was resting on top of the bathroom counter.I grabbed it.With shaky hands,I began sliding the blade against my skin.I made 3 cuts,one for Michael,one for Amelia and the last one is for the fans.Satisfied,I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my chin on my knees.

Suddenly,I heard the front door open,immediately,I locked the bathroom door.I was scared of Amelia's reaction when she found out.Thoughts started to cloud my head:What would Amelia think?What would the fans think and What would Michael think?

My thoughts were interrupted by loud banging on the door.

"Ashton?"I heard Amelia ask through the door.I didn't reply.There was a moment of silence before the loud banging became even louder.

"Ashton?Please come out!"Amelia said fear evident in her voice.I began to panic.She knew!I ignored the loud banging until it stopped.I sighed in relief.

Amelia's P.O.V

After knocking on the door loudly without getting a reply,I became suspicious.I spotted Ashton's phone on the bed and I grabbed it.I gasp as I heard what I read.It was hate from the fans and the last one probably affected Ashton the most since he told me what Michael said on the day of their breakup.

I put the pieces together and I gasped again.Ashton was cutting himself!I knew I shouldn't have thrown away the blade ! Suddenly,I got an idea.I scrolled through Ashton's contacts before I found the one I was looking for.

Michael's P.O.V

Since Ashton didn't come home the past few nights,the next best idea was that he was at his mother's house.Calum was driving and Luke was in the passenger's seat.

Suddenly,my phone vibrated and I pulled it out from my pocket.It was Ashton.I did a mental cheer as I put the phone to my hear.

"Hello?"I said eager for a response.I got a response,but it wasn't Ashton who picked up.I put it on speaker.

"Michael,I'm the girl who was with Ashton,Ashton is staying at my apartment,but you have to come quick!Ashton read some hate and he locked himself in the bathroom.He's not opening the door and I think he's doing self-harm,"The girl said,fear and worry in her voice.With that being said,I began to panic.Ashton is probably cutiing and I won't let that happen.

"What's your address?"Calum asked from the driver's seat.

After getting the address,we arrived at the apartment complex in no time.I knocked on the door and the girl opened the door and showed us where Ashton was.I knocked on the bathroom door,but to no avail.Then,I had an idea.I used a screwdriver and opened the door.Ashton stared at me in shock.

He was a mess.His skin was pale and there was bags underneath his eyes.Then I saw red fresh red cuts on his arms.

I ran over to him and pulled him for a hug.

"Ashton I'm so sorry for assuming and saying those words to you,"I sobbed.

"Why are you crying?"Ashton asked,his eyes full of concern.

"This is all my fault!"I exclaimed,gesturing to the cuts on his arm.Ashton looked down at the floor,avoiding eye contact.

"Please stop,"I begged.

"Okay,I will.For you,Michael,"Ashton said looking up at me.

"This will sting,"I warned him as I started to clean him up.

First,I rinsed his arm under running water,then,I applied antiseptic before wrapping his arm out in gauze.

"C'mon,let's go home,"I said,pulling him up.I made sure to get rid of the razor before we left.I packed his things into my car while he talked with the girl.When I was done,I walked over to the pair.

"I didn't catch you name,"I said smiling politely at the girl.

"Amelia,"She replied.

"Amelia,thank you for taking care of Ashton,"I thanked her politely.

"Your welcome,"Amelia said,"You are a nice guy Michael,but if you break his heart again,I will come after you,"She threatened,glaring at me.I gulped.

"Yes,ma'am,"I said,slightly intimidated.

"Let's go,Ash,"I said,walking him out of Amelia's apartment.Ashton turned to me.

"Mikey?What are we?"Ashton asked

"Anything you want us to be,"I said

"You mean,b-boyfriends?"He asked

"Yes,"I said,pulling him in for a kiss.

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