5SOS Sleepover

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This chapter has no specific pairing, but there will be lots of cuddles and fluff.

"Luke, make yourself useful and knock on the door," Michael nudged his blonde friend but didn't tear his gaze away from his phone screen.

"Do it yourself," The tall blonde boy crossed his long arms over his chest.

"I said open the fucking door you shithead," The red haired boy shoved at Luke's chest. The front door of Ashton's house opened and the drummer appeared.

"Don't fucking swear," Ashton scolded and went back in his house. Taking it as an invitation to enter, Michael and Luke followed behind. 

"You know you just swore right?" Michael cocked his eyebrow.

"I don't care. Now where the hell is the asian?" Ashton pointed his long fingers at Michael and Luke.

"He's on his way," Luke piped in from behind Michael. 

"Whatever, I'm not going to wait for him anyways," The three boys got comfortable in the living room. Ashton and Luke were sitting on the floor and Michael hid himself in the corner.

"Let's watch Mean Girls," Luke bounced excitedly.

"NO," Ashton and Michael glared at the blonde. Luke shrunked under their gaze. Right as if on cue, somebody started to pound on the frontdoor.

"Open the damn door," Was heard from the outside.

"It's open, jeez calm down," Ashton shouted. The doorknob turned and Calum came in grumbling.

"You should be more responsible," Calum directed a look to Ashton. He flipped Calum of.

"Hi Cal," Luke giggled and held his arms out for a hug. Calum sat down next to Luke and pulled the lead singer in for a bear hug.

"Shut up Luke," Michael snapped from the corner of the room.

"Well your band sucks," Luke retorted and childishly stuck his tongue out. Ashton and Calum rolled their eyes.

"What are we watching?" Ashton asked out loud.

"Forest Gump," Michael said.

"Well I want to watch pursuit of happiness," Ashton argued.

"How about we go watch Forest Gump first, then Pursuit of Happiness, Anchorman and then Mean Girls?" Calum glanced at Luke at the end and the blonde returned it with a grin.



"Hey guys," Ashton said to his phone screen as he started to record a keek.

"Calum can you give me a blanket?" Luke asked. The blonde didn't even look up from the tv screen that was playing Mean Girls.

"Yeah sure," Calum held out a blanket, only for it to be snatched by Michael.

"That's my blanket!" Michael nearly shouted.

"Calm down," Calum grunted.

"Guys i'm trying to do a keek here," Ashton gestured wildly to his phone. 

"Calum," Luke whined and dragged out Calum's name.

"Shhh," Calum shushed Luke. He pouted and crossed his arms. Thinking about it for a moment, Luke crawled over to where Michael was sitting.

"I lub you, cuddle?" Luke pouted and held his arms out. 

"Go away," Michael shifted closer to the wall. Luke's bottom lip quivered.

"C'mere Luke just cuddle with me," Calum patted the spot next to him. Luke beamed and started to crawl to Calum but Michael grabbed him by the waist.

"No stop, you're mine," Michael growled possessively and clung to Luke tighter. He let out a squeak.

"He's mine," Calum tackled Michael. Luke rolled away from the fighting trio just in time. Looking around the room, he crawled over to Ashton. 

"Cuddle?" Luke pouted and the lights made his eyes even brighter.

"Aw, look at this face. How can I say no to that face. Who's a cute little boy? Yes, you are," Ashton cooed and started to coddle Luke. He beamed and soaked up the attention he was receiving. Michael and Calum's  heads snapped up and they can't help but feal jealous.

"Wanna cuddle?" Calum asked Michael. He shrugged and wrapped his arms around the kiwi boy.

"G'night," Luke mumbled sleepily. Ashton cooed again and shoved the phone screen closer to Luke's face.

"Ash, leave the kid alone," Calum sighed.

"M'not a kid," Luke yawned.

"Sure. Night kiddo," Michael said. He didn't get a reply, as light snores filled the room.

"Alright, good night everyone, love you," Ashton waved at the camera before ending the keek video.

"Good night guys," Calum pulled the blanket over him and Michael. The red haired boy wrapped his arms around Calum's waist and burried his face in Calum's neck.

"Night," Ashton whispered and kissed Luke on the forehead before falling into a deep sleep.

Lol the ending sucked so much. Turns out I ended up writing endgame Lashton and endgame Malum. Thoughts on this chapter? I'm sorry, this chapter is unedited and unread for mistakes.

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