Lashton-You Belong With Me

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Luke's P.O.V

All morning,I'm sure I've been grinning like an idiot.The reason why?All night,I could hear Ashton on the phone arguing with his bitch of a girlfriend.You see,I've been in love with Ashton the moment I first laid my eyes on him and hearing him argue with his girlfriend gave me a little hope that Ashton would return my feelings.

"What got you so happy?"Calum asked,eying me suspiciously.

"Oh nothing,"I lied.He bought the answer but I could feel Michael's burning gaze.

Just then,Ashton came trudging down the stairs with a huge smile on his face.

"I have great news!"Ashton announced.

"What is it?"Michael asked curiously.

"Rachel and I made up!"Ashton said,his face brightening up some more.My face fell and my good mood was ruined.

"That's great news,"I said,trying not to sound hurt.Ashton beamed at me.My heart fluttered.

"It is.In fact,I'm going to go see her right now,"He said,walking torwards the door."Bye,"

Suddenly,I lost my appetite and started to push my food around with my fork.I stood up and made my way to my room.I threw myself on the bed and let a few tears fall on my pillow.The door opened and someone sat next to me.I looked up and I realised that it was Michael.I sat up and faced him.

"I know,"Michael said with a glint in his eye.

"Know what?"I said,trying to make my voice hard.

"That you like Ashton,"He replied.

"N-no I dont,"I said,heat creeping up my cheeks.

"Of course you,"Michael exclaimed."Whenever he walks in the room,your eyes light up,whenever he talks to you,you start to blush and stutter.

I hung down my head in defeat.Michael was right.I can't escape these feelings and I do like Ashton.

"But he likes girls and he already has a girlfriend,"I said bitterly.

"He's bi and he probably likes you to,"Michael encouraged.

"He probably won't,"I mumbled

"I know a way to see if he likes you,"Michael offered.That made me intrested.

"Keep talking,"I said,my hopes rising.

"We have to make him jealous,"Michael grinned mischievously.

"How?"I said,raising my eyebrow.

"Be my boyfriend,"He said in a 'duh' tone.

"What!"I said,my eyes widening.

"We'll only pretend,"Michael said.

"Okay,"I said,eying him."I'm in,"

"Sweet,"He grinned.

"Wait,"I said.

"Why do you want to help me?"I asked suspiciously

"I haven't pranked somebody in ages,"Michael said smiling.


"Fine,"He exclaimed,throwing his arms up in the air.

"IlikeCalumandIwanthimtonoticeme,"Michael said quickly.


"I like Calum and I want him to notice me,"Michael said looking down.

"You like Calum?"I exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah,"He mumbled

"Don't worry,I know this will work,"I said determind.

"Good now kiss me,"

"What!"I exclaimed again.

"Well we have to practice if we really want this to work,"Michael said,putting his hands on his hips.

"Fine,"I huffed

"Come here,"Michael said,pulling me torwards him.Our lips met in a messy kiss.It was sloppy and it didn't feel right.After breaking the kiss,Michael smirked at me and said,

"Let's go get our boyfriends,"

Ashton Irwin you will be mine.


Ashton had texted us and told us that he'll be back at 5.Calum was upstairs in his room doing god-knows what.The front door opened and I immediately I knew who it was.Michael and I had discussed our plan.We were cuddled up on the loveseat,my face in the crook of his neck and his arms around my waist.To top it all off,I was seated on his lap.I can't wait to see Ashton's reaction.

"Hey guys I-"Ashton cut himself off when he saw us.His face was starting to turn a little red and he clenched his fist to the side.

"What is this,"Ashton said with an edge in his voice.His eyes were narrowed at us.

"We'll explain when Calum gets down here,"I could practically feel his smirk as he spoke.As if on cue,Calum came waltzing into the room.

"Ah good you're here,"Michael said a bit smug.I peeled my face out of Michael's neck and turned to face Ashton and Calum.

"We were going to tell you guys something,"Michael said in a proud tone.In my opinion,Michael deserve an award for his great acting.

"We're dating,"I announced.Then that's when hell broke loose.

"WHAT THE HELL!"Calum practically screamed.Ashton glared at us.Both of them were red with anger.I felt guilty.


Ashton stormed up the stairs and I could hear his door slam shut.I flinched at the loud sound.

"I'll go talk to him,"I muttered quietly.I walk up to his door and knocked softly.

"Ash?It's me,Luke.Can I come in?"I asked softly.The door opened to reveal Ashton.His eyes were red and puffy as if he had been crying.

"Ashton what's wrong?"I asked concerned.Suddenly,I was pulled inside and pushed against the wall.

"Wh- I was cut off by a pair of rough lips against mine.My eyes widened in shock.I started to kiss back but Ashton broke the kiss.

"I can't do this to Michael,"He muttered.

"Ashton we're not dating,"I stated firmly.

"What?"Ashton said looking at me in shock.

"I was only trying to see if you like me by making you jealous."I confessed,looking down in shame.

"Good,because I like you too,"Ashton smiled.

"Then why did you date Rachel,"I spat at him.

"I only did it because I thought that you didn't like me back,"He confessed.My eyes softened.

"Oh,"I said,feeling very stupid now.



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes,"I smiled before pecking him on the cheek.

"I need to go break up with Rachel,"Ashton said.

"Good,you know why?"


"Because you belong with me,"

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