Malum-You Belong With Me Part 2

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I haven't updated for 12 days and yeah. I went to my grandma's house and the wifi wasn't really that strong to post a chapter. I haven't really thought about a part 2 of the you belong with me chapter until now. Someone asked for a part 2 of what happened with Malum. For @DrarryForLife.

Michael's P.O.V

After Luke went after Ashton to confront him, I made a mental note that Luke owed me one. I turned to Calum and hid a satisfied smirk. He, if possible was even more red, his fist were clenched to his sides and he was shaking with rage.

"What got you so mad?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. My voice came out with amusement.

"Why do you care?" Calum asked bitterly. I frowned and deflated a little. If someone else talked to me like that, I won't give a shit but coming from Calum was really hurtful.

"Why are you suddenly being so mad and rude?" A hurt look passed on my face and I could see his eyes soften a little but that was soon replaced by an even colder look.

"I don't know, shouldn't you be concerned for Luke?" Calum spat out Luke's name like it was venom. Unbelievable, he shouldn't be reacting like this. Yes I wanted to make him jealous on purpose, but Luke and I have grown really close and Calum was suppose to be his friend.

"Luke is really close to me, so you better not talk about him like that," I growled. Calum scoffed.

"Of course; by close do you mean that you guys are fucking already? Probably cause you're a slut," That one stung a lot. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I took a step back.

"Fuck you," I snarled at him and ran out of the house. I didn't even know where I was going; I kept running until I stopped to catch my breath. I took in my surroundings, I had arrived at a small cliff that ovelooked the beach. I sat down on the grass and leaned on a tall shady tree. The sun was about to set soon, and I needed to be alone for a while.

Calum's P.O.V

Michael's last words replayed in my head, and I felt hurt and angry, but most of all, I was afraid. Afraid because I may have lost the love of my life forever. I mentally kicked myself over and over. I shouldn't have lashed out at him like that and let my emotions take control of me.

I didn't realise that I was crying until something wet started to roll down my cheeks. I sat down on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Calum?" I heard Ashton ask. Soon, he and Luke appeared in my vision. Luke gasped at the state I was in.

"What happened?" Luke asked. I couldn't reply. There was a big lump in my throat and I couldn't form any words.

"Where's Michael?" Ashton asked looking around. I winced, this was going to be hard to explain. Judging by the look on Luke's face, I knew that he noticed the front door that was open and my miserable look.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY KITTEN," Luke screamed in rage. I made a mental note to not make Luke angry again, cause' he looks fucken terrifying. Ashton had to hold Luke back as he started to scream at me and try to escape Ashton's hold on him. If it weren't for Ashton's strength and muscles, I would already be a dead man.

"Luke calm down. We won't get anywhere by screaming at each other," Ashton said calmly. How could he be so calm in a time like this?! Wait, why is Ashton standing so close to Luke? And why do they keep glancing at each other? Something is up.

"You're right Ash. C'mon, we have to find Michael," I nodded and got up from the floor.

"You guys can drive. I'll go by foot," Just before I left the door, I glanced back at them one more time, just to find Luke and Ashton looking at each other like they love? Was Luke cheating on Michael with Ashton? And on the day they got together? I shook my head from those thoughts. I was getting really confused and my head hurts from thinking so much.

To my luck, there was a trail of footprints on the ground and they looked like they were made from Michael's boots. I mentally cheered and started to run in the direction of the footprints. Soon, I arrived at a small cliff with a tree. I could see a silhouette and I knew that it was Michael. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Hey," I said quietly and I mirrored his position.

"Hey," Michael mumbled back. I couldn't take it anymore; I let all my emotions out.

"I'm so so sorry Michael. You're not a slut and I'm a jerk for calling you that. I was so worried and I-" Michael silenced me and held up his hand.

"It's okay Cal, I forgive you," Michael assured.

"But why? You have every right to hate me and not forgive me,"

"I could never stay mad at you Cal,"

"Even after how I acted?"


Michael's P.O.V

My knees were shaking due to my nervousness. I had to tell him how I feel.


"Yes Mikey?"

"I want to be honest with you,"


"I'm not dating Luke,"

"What?" Calum looked at me with shocked eyes. I felt extremely guilty now. I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my fingers.

"Good," Calum actually sounded relieved. What could that mean? I kinda expected him to lash out and yell at me again; after all, I lied to him and I deserved it.

"Calum I want to tell you something," It was now or never

"The reason that I pretended to date Luke, is that I wanted to make you jealous," I could feel his gaze burning in to the side of my head.

"And the reason that I lashed out on you was because I was jealous," It was my turn to be shocked this time.

"What does that mean?" I asked as my hopes began to rise.

"I love you," I felt like jumping for joy. Calum finally said those three words that I wanted him to say to me.

"I love you too,"

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