Cake-Kissing Contest

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Set in a Highschool AU. In which 5SOS's school has a kissing contest/ fund-raising event activity. Cameos from All Time Low and maybe 1d. Calum and Luke and other people are in their school's show choir.

"Kissing contest?" Alex snorted, breaking away from his kiss with Jack. "What the hell for?"

"Language, Alex." Ashton glared at the guitar player. "We're going to do a fund-raising thing. For every kiss we get, we donate a dollar. Whoever gets the most kisses by the end of this week wins concert tickets for the artist of your choice. We can kiss either guys or girls from this school, or our sister school."

"Stop talking, my brain hurts." Calum whined. Next to him, Luke smiled in fondness and stared at Calum with awe. Ashton rolled his eyes, the sexual tension was killing the rest of the members of their school show choir.

"I know. Everybody, take a counting sheet each, a pen and start kissing."

Calum and Luke watched as everybody else shoved eachother to start first. As their stampede of friends finally left the room, Luke sighed,

"So much for a first kiss," The blonde mumbled, taking two sheets and handing Calum one.

"Hey don't worry about it. A first kiss only counts if the two people love each other right?" The kiwi assured, giving the other boy a big grin.

"I'll never get my first kiss. You don't love me," Luke muttered underneath his breath.

"What was that?" Calum looked confused, as usual.

"Nothing. Let's get started then," Luke walked out of the choir room, Calum following him like a puppy as they searched for their first victim.


"Wow Luke," Rian breathed as Luke marked yet another tally on his sheet. "You're an amazing kisser,"

"Thanks Rian," Luke blushed and caught Calum's eye. The raven haired boy shook his head and walked over.

"How many have you got this morning?" Calum peeked over at Luke's shoulders, trying to read the number of Luke's tallies.

"I only got 40 this morning. You?" Luke shrugged.

"F-forty?! I barely got ten this morning!" Calum pouted. "You're unfair. How did you get so many?" 

"They keep coming back for more. Wait hold on," Luke whipped around to face Michael, who was coming back for the third time this morning. Luke pulled Michael in closer and they began to kiss, and Calum began to stare.

"Definitely worth losing those tickets for," Michael wiped his lips and waved goodbye to Luke, who was marking down another tally.

"Is that even allowed in the rules?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I dunno. More kisses means more money right?" Luke flashed a smile at the confused boy. Calum shrugged.

"Hey are you free this afternoon? Practice was cancelled,"

"Yeah, but we're going to meet up with some of my friends for a little kiss marathon,"

"Seriously?" Calum asked wide-eyed.



"Lukey!" Louis yelled and rushed forward to embrace the tall blonde in a hug.

"Um hi Louis. Are you ready to help kiss us?"

"Sure," Louis grinned and pulled Luke in a kiss. Luke kissed back, placing his long arms around Louis's neck as the caramel skinned boy sighed against his lips.

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