Mashton-Misunderstandings Part 1

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Ashton's P.O.V (Warning:Self-Harm)

My eyes looked over to the clock and I mentally groaned.It had been 5 months,3 weeks and 4 days since my boyfriend,Michael Clifford had left for tour with his band,5 Seconds Of Summer.It also had been 5 months,3 weeks and 4 days worth of sleepless nights.5 months,3 weeks and 4 days of being scared that Michael had found someone else.The only thing that reassured me that our relationship was real is the promise ring that Michael had given me before he left for tour.

I checked the clock again.Michael's flight should have landed and he should be on his way to our shared house.All of the sudden,the front door burst open to reveal a petite figure with curly brown hair.Immediately,i knew who it was.

"Amelia!"I exclaimed as i pulled her into a bear hug.Amelia was my cousin who lives in the US.She was practically a sister to me.

"Ash!"Amelia said,returning the hug.After we stopped hugging i turned to her.

"Not that i'm not happy to see you but,what are you doing here,"I asked,demanding for an answer.

"Well,"She began."Since you've been depressed for months,I convinced my parents to let me fly over to Sydney to come and cheer you up,"

"Michael is coming back today,"I pointed out.

"You can see him later,besides it's been a while since we've hang out with eachother,"Amelia said with a grin.

"Sure,"I said,"Just let me change and we'll go,"


We decided to go get ice-cream at a mall nearby.The car ride there had been noisy and the air was filled with our laughter as we catched up.

Right now,we were sitting in a booth,just talking and laughing.I got chocolate chip while Amelia got vanilla.I burst out laughing at a joke Amelia said.Good times.

Michael's P.O.V

Somehow,Calum and Luke had convinced me to get them ice-cream to take my mind off of my biggest fear.That fear was that my boyfriend,Ashton had found someone else.Luke and Calum knew this and also convinced me that Ashton loves me and would never do that.The 5 months,3 weeks and 4 days away from him was hell for me.On stage,i was my usual self but away from the lights and camera,I was a wreck.I knew that 5 months,3 weeks and 4 days is more than enough time for someone to change their mind.I shook my head from that thought and said to myself in my mind:Ashton would never do that.

Boy was I wrong.

When i walked into the ice-cream parlour,i was met with a sight that i never thought i would see.

Ashton was with a girl and he looked very happy.

I could hear my heart shattering into a million tiny pieces.Tears pooled in the back of my eyes,but i kept them in because the paps and the fans might see.Gathering my courage i decided to say something.

"Ash?"I managed to croak out.He looked up with me with wide-eyes and opened his mouth to say something,but I already had ran out of the shop.

Ashton's P.O.V

To say that i was shocked to see Michael was an understatement.The way he looked at me gave a huge give-away on what he thought when he saw Amelia and I.I wanted to say something,but he already had ran out of the ice-cream parlour.I had to go after him.Sending one apolegetic look to Amelia,I ran out,yelling Michael's name.

I headed to where i knew he would be,the field.Michael's favourite place was this huge field that he discovered when he was younger.

I ran to his favourite spot,under a big shady tree.And there he was.

"Michael I-"I was cut off by him.

"No just shut up,"He snapped.I was shocked,Michael had never talked to me like this before.

"How could you?!Was the promise ring not enough to show how much i had loved you?!"I doubled back as if I had been punched in the gut.He said loved.Past tense.Not present.

"You know what!?We're through!I hate you and i wish that you would die!"He snapped at me,his eyes filled with hate.

Then,he did something that i never thought that he would do,

He grabbed his promise ring,which was identical to mine,pulled it off and threw it on the ground.My eyes began to fill with salty tears and I knew that my life was ruined.

And with that,he stormed out of the field,leaving me with different emotions.Shock,sadness,hurt,but most of all anger.

I was angry at myself for ever believing that Michael would be the one to stay.When I first met him,I thought that it was love at first sight and that we would be together forever.I guess that forever became never.

Pulling out my phone,I called Amelia to pick me up.


Amelia let me stay with her,which i was gratefull for.I stayed in the guest bedroom of her rented apartment.She had called up her parents and told her that she would be staying in Sydney longer.I had told her not too,but she ignored me and said that she was concerned and the breakup was mostly her fault anyways.

For some reason,the 5SOS fans supported me and told me that I would never do such a thing.I thanked them and that gesture cheered me up.

But Michael's words still rang in my head,but Amelia was there to comfort me and keep me sane.

Michael's P.O.V

For the past few days,the only things on my mind were questions which i needed to be answered,like:Why did Ashton do it? Who was that girl?Was Ashton unhappy with our relationship?Was really straight all this time? And most of all,Was our relationship even real?

Calum and Luke tried hard,but i still didn't leave the room.All our fans knew of our breakup and i didn't bother to check Twitter or Instagram because there would be too many questions.The only thing that i wanted to do today and probably the next few months,was to sulk in my room.Unfortunately,we had a concert and a meet and greet afterwards

I went to the bathroom after the concert before the meet and greet.When i went back to our dressing room,I braced myself for 2 whole hours of questions.

Little did i know that i will be getting the answers to my questions.

The self-harm will probably be in Part 2 or Part 3.I'm not really sure how many parts I will write.Hope you like my chapters so far and remember to check out my Lashton book.Comments are welcomed.

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