Cashton-Scary Movies

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Calum's P.O.V






"What!"I snapped at Ashton who was grinning at me like an idiot.

"Finally I got you attention!So,anyways,wanna watch a scary movie with me?"Ashton asked happily.

"Sure,"I shrugged.

"C'mon,"He said,grabbing my hand and dragging me to the living room.

"Which movie do you want to watch?"Ashton said,gesturing to the pile of scary movies on the coffee table.After many arguements,we finally decided on the exorcist.As the beginning credits begin to start,Ashton nudged me.

"Let's make a bet.Whoever gets scared first,will have to be the winner's slave for a week,"He challenged.

"I'm in,"I said,determind.Having Ashton as my slave for a week?That deal was just to tempting to reject.Besides,for me,it was easy as my sister and I always watch scary movies together before I got busy with the band.We shook hands and the movie started.

Half way through the movie,the moment that I have been waiting for happened.Ashton jumped in fright.

"Ha!You lose,"I said smugly.

"Fine,"He grumbled,pouting.I admit,Ashton looked adorable.

"C'mere,"I laughed pulling him closer and planting a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you,Calum,"

"I love you too,Ash,"

Sorry for the bad chapter!My day at school sucked and I haven't eaten so I'm feeling a bit grumpy and out of inspiration.

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