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Athanasia was tired, to say the least.

Rumors were spreading amongst the maids that Lucas, the royal wizard, and Athanasia were dating. Claude tried curb-stomping the rumor, but that didn't stop Athanasia from being harrassed every time she turns a corner.

Rubbing her eyes, she took her next step..

Before falling.

Eyes shooting open, Athanasia  realized that that was a stair case she tried to descend.

Due to her gravity and weight though, along with other misfortunate calculations, she was now falling and about to give the floor a 'hello.'

Closing her eyes, Athanasia braced herself for the impact. However, it never came. Opening an eye, she saw the royal wizard holding her, bridal style.

"Heya. Was just wandering around when I saw you falling. You good?"

"Uh, yeah." Athanasia looked at Lucas, heart still racing from the adrenaline. "I'm fine. A bit dazed though."

"Of course you would be. No one would feel fine after falling for me."

Athanasia stopped, before staring a smug Lucas in the eyes.

"Put me down. Now." Athanasia's eyes turned icy, filled with disgust.

Lucas grinned, before uttering our six dreadful words.

"No, I don't think I will."


Lucas bolted down the hall, Athanasia still in his arms. All the maids gasped or murmured as Lucas ran by, and Athanasia let out a muffled groan.

The rumors are going to be the worst.

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