Symphony of Others

265 17 1

I'm sorry-
Heavy angst! I think. Hurt/comfort maybe? Not sure.



A voice called out into a rather plain room, despite the location of it being in the palace.


In the middle of the lifeless, dark room, sat a girl. No older than 15, her eyes were filled to the brim with uncontrollable sadness. A grief of some sort, tears threatening to burst through.

Athanasia de Alger Obelia. Due to recent events, a lot of weight has been thrown onto her pale shoulders.

The responsibility of an Empress.

Her father's 'sickness' and her possessed uncle's return.

The constant fear of anyone she knows being taken away in a split second.

Everyone has thought she had been handling all of this extremely well.

"What's wrong?"

The voice was unusually gentle. The usual cold, snarky remarks never came. Replaced with tenderness and concern, the magician stepped forward.

The girl stared toward her hands.

"Have you ever heard a song so bitter? So filled with heartbreak, grief and anger?"

The reply shocked the boy. He had been expecting a very direct response.

"I hear it. I look around and see musical notes floating in the air, some happy, others unbearably sad. And all of it string together into one giant symphony of emotions. Like a dam made of sticks holding back a roaring stream, its hard- no, impossible to hold everything back."

The magician walked over to the princess, sitting down beside her quietly. Looking up, the girl's eyes were burdened.

"Everytime I hear that song, I cry. I cry and cry until I have no tears left. Then I work to make everything better for everyone." The princess laughed. It wasn't a happy nor sad laugh, more of a empty laugh. Once full, but now just a bitter shell of what it once was.  "So why is it, when I hear my own song, I feel nothing? Why do I not weep for myself, and if I do, why do I not try and fix everyt thing like usual?"

A dam. That's what she called it.

A feeble dam trying to hold a raging torrent of liquid from reigning hellfire on everyone else's heart and soul.

And while the dam was doing it's job, it was on the verge of breaking.

And honestly?

In this room, away from prying eyes and ears, away from the judgement and stress?

Lucas let it break. Simply by opening his arms, the dam shattered into pieces. The magician let the princess sob into his arms, into the late hours of the night.

"Why?! Why can't I feel the same way for myself?!"

"Perhaps you don't feel anything because your song is unfinished?"

"But how could it not be finished? It feels like all the current events have been stretched into centuries, it feels like I've aged 50 years!"

Lucas hummed, letting the girl ask her questions.

In truth, he had no answers. He learned a while ago that life is a cycle. Like a story. All the main parts are guaranteed. Your birth, birthday, and death. Everything else is little details. You need to learn how to improvise.

But Lucas figured that isn't the answer the princess wanted.

So he simply sat there, silently comforting the girl.

The next morning, a few servants opened the doors to the once lifeless room.

The room was bathed in life, happiness, and light. Most importantly, the magician and princess sat in the morning light.

All of the worries of the previous night had melted away, instead replaced with nothing but comfort.

The maids gasped as Lucas's ruby eyes cracked open. Lifting a finger up to his lips, he silently made a, 'shh,' gesture. The magician pulled the princess closer to his body, before closing his eyes and falling back asleep.

If they were late to a meeting that day, nobody has to know.


What do you get when you mix the Passerine AU with a author???


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