Creatober (Day 16) : Thirsty

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Lucas busted into Athanasia's room. "Watterrr!"

The princess looked over, equal parts shocked and confused. "...water?"

"Spell- casted- mistake."

Athanasia blinked. "Mistake?"


An apprentice magician walked in, looking sheepish.

"Blessings on the Obelian Empire.." the kid flushed. "I accidentally cast a spell on master Lucas, causing him to feel like his mouth is constantly on fire."

Lucas was on the floor. "Helllp.."

Athanasia walked over. Focusing, Athanasia could see the mana flowing all around Lucas's body. It was a vibrant red, gripping onto him.

Athanasia sighed. This is the first time she had seen Lucas in discomfort.

Waving her hands, a blob of water materialized in the air.

Athanasia shifted the water, and it fell directly on Lucas's face.

"..thank you.."

"Your welcome."

Sitting up, Lucas pointed at the magician. "You aren't welcome in my tower anymore."

"That's fair."

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