Creatober (Day 27) : Courage

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Context : Maybe you've seen this in like anime, but this is called the test of courage. Basically a bunch of students decorate a hallway/classroom, and dress up as either the undead or monsters. Other students have to enter this classroom and get through to the end with a partner, and I'm pretty sure it's random? I'm saying it is lol.

This trope is often used for fan-service, but this time it will be used for fluff.


Athanasia can't believe it.

She was pressured to do this stupid test by her friends, and her random partner, of all people, was Lucas.

Lucas was her childhood neighbor and friend, but that doesn't change the fact he's a smug jerk. Athanasia frowned. If he saw her freaking out over some dressed-up bozo with a dollar store mask, she would never hear the end of it.

Athanasia silently huffed. That's never going to happen.

"Heya, Athy." Athanasia turned to see Lucas leaning against the wall, grinning. "You scared? You can cry onto my shoulder if you want."

"Wha- no! I'm not scared!"

Athanasia was well aware she sounded like a little kid, but come on. She wasn't going to chicken out, not now!

Lucas smiled. "Heh, wouldn't expect anything less from you. Come on then. Let's get this over with."

Opening the door, Athanasia silently gulped. She was a bit nervous, but was she going to show it?

Hell no.

Athanasia stuck next to Lucas, looking around at her surroundings for hidden students. Lucas glanced over, a bit curious to what Athanasia was doing before reaching the first jump scare.

Jennette was sitting over on a rock, wearing a pure white kimono and holding a bottle. Looking over at the two, Lucas gasped while Athanasia lifted her hands to her mouth.

It's just makeup, but it was so convincing that it looked like Jennette's face had been clawed off.

Slowly, Jennette stood up, causing Lucas and Athanasia to flinch. Clutching the bottle to her chest, Jennette's usually cheerful voice came out melancholic.

"My love..? Is that you..?" Jennette looked around, before staring down Athanasia and Lucas. "He abandoned me, all those years ago. This bottle is empty, just like my memories with him."

"Jettie.." Athanasia slowly started walking forward, toward Jennette. Lucas silently reached out, before withdrawing his hand and smirking. It's obvious this was a trap. This was going to be hilarious.

Jennette was crying, causing Athanasia to reach out and comfort her. Before she could though, Jennette grabbed Athanasia's hand.

"You will be abandoned too! I'm protecting you! I'M PROTECTING YOU!" Jennette was pulling Athanasia back toward where she had came from, smoke coming out of the bottle.

"Wait- no!" Athanasia wrestled herself free before heading back over to Lucas's side and grimacing. "Well, that was a bad idea."

Lucas snorted. "No shit. Let's keep going."

Turning back down the hallway, Lucas and Athanasia kept heading onwards before reaching the second jumpscare.

"Hello, sir. Hello, mademoiselle."

Ijekiel was dressed as a butler, a mask covering his entire face.

Lucas blinked. "Um, hello?"

Ijekiel looked at the two, before lifting up his mask and smiling.

...seriously, who was doing the makeup here?! Ijekiel looked like he was bleeding everywhere and his eye was torn out!

"I will serve you for the rest of time." Ijekiel advanced forward, causing the duo to flinch and step back. "You'll never get rid of me. Never, never, never.."

And then Lucas decked Ijekiel in the face. Blinking, Athanasia leaned down and poked his face. "Is he dead?"

"Hopefully not. Come on."

The rest of the courage test was that same formula. Athanasia falling for a jumpscare or Lucas knocking someone out.

Overall though, it wasn't that scary at all. Athanasia smiled.

How fun.

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