Creatober (Day 22) : Dangerous

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Fairytale AU!~

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Fairytale AU!

"My, my, little girl. What are you doing out here alone?"

A threatening voice pierced through the forest, poorly masked with kindness. Athanasia shivered.

"I.. I was going to visit my uncle and cousin, and bring them treats."

"Your uncle and cousin?" The voice mused. "Say- where do they live? I can help you over there if you want."

"..I'm good."

Athanasia tried to end the conversation there. Gripping onto her basket, she attempted to speed walk through the forest.

Keyword- attempted. A clawed hand grabbed her shoulder, drawing blood from her pale shoulder. Turning around, a boy around her age was standing directly behind her.

His hair was jet black, eyes a fierce red. He had ears atop his head, similar to a wolf, and a tail wagging with excitement.

"Why leave so soon, princess?" The boy teased Athanasia, his head innocently cocked to the side. "Do you not like me?"

Athanasia blinked, before frowning. "No, I don't. You made me bleed and currently you're preventing me from seeing my uncle."

The wolf-boy blinked. "Huh-?"

Gently taking his hand off her shoulder, Athanasia's frown grew deeper. "I will be on my way."

Turning her heel, Athanasia left the boy behind.

"...she's interesting. Didn't even flinch in the face of danger."

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