I see forever in your eyes..

196 19 0

A : Truth or dare?
B, exasperated : Truth.
A : Do you want to kiss me?
B : Dare.
A : Kiss me.
B : Never have I ever-


"Truth or dare?"

Athanasia glanced over confused. Lucas was next to her, Jennette and Ijekiel behind the man hyping him up. For some reason.

"Truth..?" Athanasia answered hesitantly. She just wanted this to be over with.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Lucas was wearing his iconic smirk, leaning in closer to Athanasia's face. Athanasia flushed up while Jennette and Ijekiel cheered behind him.

"Dare." Athanasia looked away, causing Jennette and Ijekiel to boo.

"Kiss me."

The girl was flustered at this point, ignoring the chants of her friends.

"Never have I ever-"

"THAT ISN'T THE GAME!" Lucas was frustrated at this point, Jennette and Ijekiel cackling at Lucas's misery.

Jennette turned to Ijekiel, giggling still.

"Day 13 of Lucas trying to get with Athanasia- and he's still failing."

"I know." The boy agreed. "It was sad at first, but now it's just entertaining."

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