Creatober (Day 3) : Sunset

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Athanasia was.. nervous.

She has no idea when, but some where in between she fell in love with her childhood friend.


And she was around 94% sure that he liked her back. Which is kind of crazy.

She's never been in love before. Not even in her past life.

So this made Athanasia nervous as fUcK.

But she had a plan!

Under the premise of hanging out with Lucas, she was going to figure out her feelings and maybe Lucas's  feelings.

"Hey Athy."

Letting out a yelp, a very flustered Athanasia turned to a startled Lucas. Lucas was wearing his usual outfit, leaning on a wall.

"Uh- you alright? You look a bit off."

"Yes! Yes- I'm fine." Athanasia cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, sure."

Athanasia has a cute picnic set up on a cliff next to the sea. There were all sorts of fruits in a picnic basket there, along with a few cushions to relax on.


In hindsight, this seems like a date-

Grabbing Lucas's hand, Athanasia smiled. Date or not, this was to figure out her feelings.

Athanasia and Lucas left the palace, the former dragging the latter into the forest.

"You're not going to murder me- are you?"

Athanasia snorted. "No. Of course not. You're-"

Wait. What was he?


"Someone special to me."


Spotting the exit to the woods, Athanasia quickened her pace. Exiting the forest, the light washed over the two.

"Wow." Lucas walked forward, admiring the view and picnic. "I'm impressed."

"I know, right? I set this up myself."

"Did you?" Lucas turned to the picnic again, a newfound respect in his aura. "Huh."

Sitting down, Athanasia pulled a picnic basket close to her. "Do you want some fruit?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Sure."

Walking over to Athanasia, Lucas sat down next to her. Popping a strawberry into his mouth, Lucas turned his gaze to the cliffside.

Another part of this hangout. While the cushions mentioned earlier was for relaxing, Athanasia chose this specific spot and time so they could watch the sunset and stargaze.

..yeah, this totally sounds like a date now.

Following Lucas's gaze, Athanasia watched as the sun slowly began to sink down and the stars start revealing themself in the sky.

"This is strangely relaxing."

Athanasia nodded. "Yeah, that's what I was going for."


Athanasia turned to Lucas, his gaze focused on the sun.

Smiling, Athanasia was grateful. Even if she does like Lucas, that's fine. She's honestly just glad that this random side character never mentioned in the original story was here with her.

Author's Note :
Athanasia : "wHy ArE eMoTiOnS sO cOmPlIcAtEd?!"
Also Athanasia : "is this a date? Maybe. Do I care? No."

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