And the universe said I love you

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5 times (almost) everyone shipped Lucathy + 1 time everyone was shocked they were actually dating.

Happy (Late) Valentine's Day! :D


1. Ijekiel

For as long as Ijekiel could remember, he had been smitten with Athanasia. Ever since she came tumbling down from the sky, Ijekiel had loved her soothing voice, golden hair, and jeweled eyes.

But then he had met Lucas, and Ijekiel visibly went 'oh'.

Because they look perfect together.

And then Ijekiel sees the way they banter, how comfortable they are around eachother.

One day, he points this out to them.

"You two are really cute together. You should date."

Lucas snorts, while Athanasia simply smiles. you can see the amusement in her eyes though.

"Thank you, Ijekiel."

2. Jennette

Jennette remembers her first encounter with Lucas. It was at Athanasia's tea party, a bit after  her coming of age ceremony. Or something.

He had showed up, and everyone immediately started gushing over him. Jennette wasn't focused on him, though. She was focused on Athanasia.

More specifically, her reaction.

She had went from shock, and then anger. Aggressively gesturing at him to leave. Lucas had simply blinked, before nodding and leaving.

Everyone started bombarding the crown princess with questions.

"Who was he?"

"Isn't he the royal wizard?"

"Is he single?"

Athanasia frowned. "His name is Lucas, he is the royal wizard, and.. I'm not sure, on the last one."

Jennette smiled. "If he is single, you should get together!"

Everyone chattered in agreement, ignoring Athanasia who almost spit out her tea. She recovered quickly, instead sending Jennette a pained look.

One that read, 'oh you have no clue.'

"Thank you, for the advice Jennette."

Jennette smiled.

3. Lillian

Lily had thought Athanasia and Lucas were dating the moment she saw the princess kiss the wizard on the cheek.

But then they bantered like normal, frowned and sent retorts the others way.

It was odd.

But if they weren't dating, what were they?

Athanasia was old enough to take care of herself, however Lillian was a mother figure to her.

So by all technicality, it was Lillian's job to embarrass Athanasia in Diana's place.

Walking over to Athanasia's bed, Lillian sat down next to it's occupant.

"So, Athanasia."

The blonde looked over at the mention of her name, smiling upon seeing who it is. "Hi, Lily!"

Lillian smiled, before chuckling internally. I apologize for this, Athy.

"Say, have I told you about.. yeah?"


Athanasia genuinely seemed baffled, Lillian barely supressing a snicker.

"About the birds and the bees?"

Lillian watched as the color drained from the crown princess's face, Lillian using all of her willpower to not burst out laughing.

"U-Um, no. You haven't." Athanasia seemed like she was internally dying, a blank smile on her face.

"Well, when a boy and girl, like.." Lillian wracked her brain for example. "You and Lucas, fall in love.."

Athanasia was sputtering, Lillian ignoring her.

"The boy gives the girl-"


Athanasia stood up suddenly, her face flushed. She walked over to a couch (what is it with the royal family and couches?) and faceplanted into it.

Lillian chuckled. "In all seriousness, you two should get together. You are adorable together."

The princess frowned before chucking a pillow at her.

4. Claude

Lucas was confused when the emperor himself cornered Lucas in a corridor.

"Stop seducing my daughter."

"Wha- I'm sorry, what?"

"She's never going to be interested in you. So give it up."

The magician snorted. "Sure, I won't seduce your daughter."


And that was the end of that.

5. Diana

Diana never imagined that she would physically not be present for her little dewdrop's life. She was simply there, as invisible as a passerby maid.

She was upset that her deadbeat lover immediately dropped a newborn child onto a bunch of maids that weren't prepared for that kind of work. But that's besides the point.

Currently, she was following her daughter through the Emerald Palace.

Diana likes pretending that she was alive and well, and that this was her daughter showing her around.

"Oh, hello Lucas."



The magician who appeared out of nowhere, and has stuck with Athanasia the whole time.

As the two conversed, Diana hummed.

"They would make a good couple."


A Valentine's Tea Party. That's what the crown princess is hosting.

Everyone around was simply gushing about their fiancés, or bachelors attempting to court them. Athanasia simply tapped her fingers onto her teacup.

"That reminds me- did you get a valentine, princess?"

"Oh, I did."

The table immediately erupted into chatter, thinking about who could be the princess's valentine.

"Is it Sir Ijekiel?"

"Is it a secret?"

"Is it Lucas?"

Athanasia paused. "Yes, it is Lucas."

Squeals could be heard all around the table.


"How are you doing, Sir Lucas?"

"Please just call me Lucas. It's weird hearing you talk to me formally, blegh."

Ijekiel smoothed out his jacket. "Did you..?"

"Yes, I asked Athanasia to be my valentine."

"Oh." Ijekiel paused. "Sorry."


"Well, I assume she rejected you?"

"No- she didn't."

"Ah. Well I'm sorry for her then."

"Oh. You mother fu-"

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