Palace Buddies!

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Athanasia made a new group!

Athanasia has added Lucas and Claude to the chat!

Athanasia changed the group's name to 'Palace Buddies!'

Athanasia : Ayyy

Lucas : Sia what the fuck is this

Athanasia : It's a group chat, Lucas. I made it just in case any of us has news for the others!

Claude : It seems useful.

Athanasia : Thanks dad! :D

Athanasia : Anyways

Athanasia has changed their name to 'The Best Princess'.

The Best Princess has changed Lucas's name to 'Edgelord'.

Edgelord : huh

The Best Princess has changed Claude's name to 'Sleep is for the weak'.

Sleep is for the weak : I mean, it's true.

Edgelord : Sia wait what does Edgelord mean

The Best Princess : Don't worry about it Lu. ❤

Sleep is for the weak : Lucas? :)

Edgelord : I am suddenly terrified.

The Best Princess : Dad no

Sleep is for the weak : Dad yes.

Edgelord : Well I have a new project to work on haha okay bye

Edgelord has gone offline!

Sleep is for the weak : although I hate to agree with him but I do have paperwork to do. I'll see you later, daughter.

The Best Princess : oh ok

The Best Princess : Bye dad!

Sleep is for the weak has gone offline!

The Best Princess has gone offline!

Few days later, Athy gave Lily and Felix a phone.

The Best Princess has added Felix to the chat!

The Best Princess has added Lily to the chat!

Felix : @Sleep is for the weak I have no idea who you are but I disagree with your username.

Sleep is for the weak is online!

Sleep is for the weak : It's Claude, and yeah I figured.

Felix : yOuR mAjEsTy, SlEeP

Sleep is for the weak : NO FUCK YOU

Lily : I already regret agreeing to this.

The Best Princess : Don't worry, you'll get used to it.

The Best Princess changed Lily's name to 'Mom'.

Mom : AWWW!

Sleep is for the weak : Lily? :)

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