Creatober (Day 10) : Blush

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Hey so- I didn't have any ideas for this day when I realized Athy doesn't blush that often.

Here's every time Athanasia became flustered/blushed in this fic lol.


Prompt 4 : "Wake Up!"

Lucas shot out of bed and into the bathroom, returning he looked ready for the day, albeit a bit tired. Giving Athanasia a quick peck, he smiled. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Goodmorning."

Turning red, Athanasia covered her face. "Wake up, next time.."


Prompt 5 : "Kiss ♡"

In a house a few blocks away, a certain blonde was blushing into her own pillow.

On top of her dresser sat a ruby ring.


Prompt 6 : "Hanahaki"

"Tell her.." Lucas said feebly. "Tell her I love her."

A pang struck in my heart. "Tell who?"


Blood rushed into my cheeks. Me?


Prompt 10 (kinda) : "Writing"

"Ooh! A love letter??"

Smiling, Athanasia giggled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Picking up the paper, Athanasia carefully unfolded the note. Jennette peeked over a blushing Athanasia's shoulder, gasping and giggling.


Prompt (insert number) : "Stars"

Athanasia had throttled multiple people to get this information for Lucas.

Which is totally normal for best friends, right?

Athanasia flushed. No, I don't think it is.


Prompt (lel a number) : "Disinterest"

Athy has been hanging out with her father more often. Not Lucas. Claude.

And on top of that, she had been avoiding Lucas. Whenever they did talk, she would start stuttering and flush up. Her eyes would widen and she would avoid eye contact.


Also Athanasia realizing she's in love with Lucas :

Also Athanasia realizing she's in love with Lucas :

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