If I were to fall, would you catch me? (Always, dear.)

185 16 0

A wing AU where Lucas's wings were torn off.


Lucas still remembers that day.

Where his ruby red wings were torn off, taken like some sort of trophy.

But it was that, or Athanasia's life.

He couldn't risk that.

But her screams.

They were filled with such agony and heartbreak, Lucas would think it was her wings being torn off.

The way she stumbled over to Lucas and sobbed- the person who stole his wings was killed moments afterward, but the damage had been done.

Lucas glanced at the sleeping princess. She had been at Lucas's side ever since. As if he would crumble away and perish.

His former wing on his back twitched. It was just a nub, but it urged him to run out into the wind and fly.

I can't. His mind sobbed. I can't.

But no matter what he did, the urge to jump off the balcony and snap open his wings was constantly there.

He wanted to fly with Athanasia.

Preen his feathers.

Return to the skies.

Lucas placed his head into his knees, letting out a choked sob.

What now?

Edit to add Lucas's torn wing on display, not anything too bad lol

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