Jennette's pets

263 19 2

Cat Lucathy AU


Jennette let out a little huff. She understood Ijekiel was a busy man, but it honestly was so boring at home by herself.


A cat?

Turning to the balcony, Jennette saw two cats just.. there. Jennette blinked. Jennette slowly stood up before heading towards a closet. There were a sad amount of stray cats where she and Ijekiel lived, so they fed them anytime they could. Grabbing some cat food and pouring it into the separate food bowls before walking over to the balcony.


A black cat curled protectively over the other as Jennette opened the sliding door. Carefully, the girl placed down the food and backed a few steps away. Sitting down, Jennette made eye contact with the sand-colored cat. And blinked once.

The cat, as if understanding the girl's intentions, nodded slightly before walking over to the food and eating it. The black cat mewed in protest as the sandy cat continued to eat.

After a bit of protestment, the sandy cat turned to the black one. It's aura reading, "shut the fuck up."

Jennette giggled.

These two would appear often, she's sure of it.

If two food bowls mysteriously emptied every other day, Jennette made no comment about it.

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