The Mimic

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Based off the roblox game!

Married AU! Until they die lol

Athy and Lucas's last name is Alger.



Once upon a time, there was a happy couple.

Athanasia, the village beauty. Athanasia often painted portraits of people, each one more perfect than the last.

Lucas, the village doctor. His medicines always worked quickly, making you feel better after a few days.

The power couple, made for eachother. Like a piece to a puzzle, like a bundle of cherries.

Athanasia was extremely kind-hearted, and generous. So one day, when she saw a woman washed up by the lake, she immediately ran to help.

"Miss? Miss?! Are you alright?!"


Athanasia paled. "Don't worry, miss! My husband is the best doctor in town! He'll be able to help!"

Helping the woman stand, Athanasia started walking over back to the village. Whispering reassurances, asking if the lady was okay.

" help.."

"It's okay! Don't worry!"

Reaching the Alger's residence, the mysterious lady was sat down at the dinner table. Lucas was asking her a series of questions, can you follow my finger? Does your head hurt?

Yet all she said was, ""

"Is she going to be okay, Lu?" Athanasia looked over at Lucas worriedly.

"I'm not sure. I'm going to check her pulse."

Lifting his hand, Lucas pressed a few fingers to the lady's neck. Lucas inhaled sharply, causing Athanasia to lean over in worry.

"Is something wrong?"

"She doesn't have a pulse."

"Wait, what?! How is that possible?!"

"" The couple turned to the woman, who was now looking straight up at the ceiling. " need HELP."

Lucas watched in horror as the woman raised to her full height. Rushing forward, the woman caught Athanasia in a choke hold.

"Hey! Let her go!"

Picking up a chair, Lucas hurled it at the lady. The chair shattered into splinters, barely fazing the creature. Snapping its neck, it turned to look at Lucas. Dropping Athanasia, the Lady ran at Lucas and struck.

"LUCAS!" Came a hoarse cry.




In no time at all, the amalgamation that was once Lucas's face was torn to shred. Sobbing, Athanasia stumbled over to the corpse of her husband.

"Lucas.. Lucas.."

Holding the body, Athanasia sobbed. Raising a claw, the Lady brought down her hand, murdering the couple.

"You'll be great for my collection.."


Years later, Lucas was shuffling through a sewer. He thinks. Ever since the Mimic came along, he wasn't able to tell time. The one thing he could tell though..


Turning his head, Lucas smiled a demented smile. The one thing he could remember.

"Hello Lucas! The Mimic brought someone new! Are you ready? She says we gotta chase em!"

Chuckling, Lucas grinned. ''Always, darling."

Author's Note : ye so its September which means it's a month away (or days now) from spooky month.

I drew the biwa girl from the Mimic, I think her name is biwachi? I dunno.

So I decided "ayy time to torture one of my otps :D"

So here.

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