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Prompt (I saw it on google and I'm gonna twist it to be my own thing) : "In middle school I used to charge boys $5 and I would write a poem for their girlfriend, I would literally sit at school all day and write poems about other people's women. I made like $50 a week just staring at girls, and writing about them. A young gay entrepreneur."

Except it's different.

Modern, College AU!

Also OOC.


"Athy, I'm gonna say something a bit weird. Is that okay?"

Looking over at her boyfriend, Athanasia tilted her head. "Yeah, sure. What's wrong?"

"You know how you were getting all those poems from Ijekiel, and then he ended up dating Jennette?"


"It turns out, that despite his good grades, he's horrible at writing poems. So he asked me to write all of them."

"You did?"

"Yup. It's why I spent hours just staring at you." Pausing, Lucas frowned. "Sorry about that, by the way."

"So does that mean all the letters from Ijekiel, I can count as you? You were the one that wrote words and words about my hair, not Ijekiel?"

Lucas glanced oddly at his girlfriend. What was she getting at? "Yes..? I suppose you could count the poems from Ijekiel from me."

"Then can you make me more?"

"NO!" Lucas slammed his hands on a desk, before flushing and hiding his face. "They are WAY to sappy and embarrassing."

"But I like them sappy and embarrassing!" Athanasia whined.

Lucas's crimson face peeked out from behind his hands, ruby eyes narrowed. "No, you don't. I saw your reactions when you thought the poems were from Ijekiel."

"Yes, because it was Ijekiel." Athanasia said his name like it was a disease. Face lighting up, Athanasia smiled. "It's different now that I know it's from you!"

Lucas blinked, before sighing. "Fine."


"Hello, cousin!" Jennette walked over to Athanasia, smiling.

"Hello Jennette." Athanasia nodded, acknowledging the brunette, before turning to open her locker. There sat a crisp, white paper signed with a single blue heart.

"Ooh! A love letter??"

Smiling, Athanasia giggled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Picking up the paper, Athanasia carefully unfolded the note. Jennette peeked over a blushing Athanasia's shoulder, gasping and giggling.

Hello, Athy.
Uh, this is a bit awkward, considering I'm no longer anonymous.
But here goes nothing.

You're pale skin is as fair as snow,
You're eyes reflective like water.
You're smile wide, you're future bright,
With me trailing after.
The love I feel, is awkward as Hell,
But I'm willing to make it work.
Just for you, all for you,
For our happily ever after.

~ Lucas

Author's Note: lol I can't poem I'm sorry

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