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TW : ANGST! Strong language! And graphic descriptions (of what? Not sure, lost count.)

To my knowledge, hanahaki is a Japanese myth/fairytale that occurs in heartbroken people (aka their feelings are one-sided/not reciprocated/unknown). Flowers will sprout inside of the person inflicted and therefore kill them.

There are three outcomes : The Hanahaki goes away because both sides have the same feelings, the person inflicted dies, or the person inflicted gets surgery to remove the flowers and therefore remove the feelings.

Self Aware!Lucas AU

Lucas/No Ones POV :

Lucas smirked at the princess of Obelia, Athanasia de Alger Obelia,   his 'childhood playmate.' They were having a little squabble, like back when they were 'younger'.

Lucas was intrigued by the Princess at first. Usually, the princess had no mana. But the fact that she had enough to manifest a holy beast? To attract the attention of Claude, when usually he despises the princess?

This development attracted Lucas. He wasn't supposed to meet the princess, the emperor, or anyone really. He was meant to be an observer, to make sure everything stayed in line.

But he couldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

"Oh please." Athanasia snorted. Snapping back to reality, Lucas focused back on the princess. "I bet you weren't even paying attention."

"I was!" Lucas protested.

Athanasia let out a little pout. "What did I say then?"

"Well, you said-" Lucas was interrupted by a coughing fit.

Lucas placed his hand near his mouth, in an attempt to prevent from coughing all over Athanasia. All playfulness disappeared from the princess's face, instead reaching out in concern.

Pulling away, a single rose petal covered in blood was in his hand. Lucas let out a sharp inhale.

"Are you okay Lucas?"

Looking back towards the princess, her eyes were filled with worry.

"I'm fine." Lucas murmured. "I just.. need a break. I'm going back to the tower for the day."

"Wait, Lucas-"

Before Athanasia could finish her sentence, Lucas was on the cool stone, known as the flooring of the Black Tower.

Collapsing to the floor, Lucas re-entered his coughing fit. Blood spat everywhere, flower petals falling everywhere.

Lucas has never been so glad that he's alone in the tower.

Grasping his throat, Lucas proceeding to cough out a whole rose.

A whole fucking rose.

If it weren't for the blood, it would have looked so pretty.

Flower petals scattered around, a rose in front of Lucas.

And the glaringly obvious blood.

Lucas groaned. He was going to smell like love for weeks. The princess will-

Another coughing fit. Gasping, Lucas's hands instinctively shot up to his mouth. Blood spurt out, rose petals flying everywhere.

The black stone was stained with blood.

Lucas never cries, but damn, he came close. Coughing up a rose hurts.

The thorns scraped against his throat, cutting the flesh and filling everything with blood.

What was happening to him?

Shakily standing up, he started stumbling toward his bookcase. Surely there was something about this illness.

Grabbing a book, Lucas sat down next to the bookshelf. Flipping through the book, desperately looking for the illness.

For the cure.

Flip, flip, flip.

There was nothing.

Flip, flip, flip.

Still nothing.

Growing frustrated, Lucas slammed the book shut, tossing it to the side.

Bringing his knees to his chest, Lucas scowled. He hated this. What was wrong with him?!

Glancing back at his bookshelf, there was something dusty, in the very corner.

Myths and Diseases, All Over the World.

It was something his mentor left before his demise. Lucas reached out for the book, dusting it off and speed-reading through it. Until he landed on the page.


It appears when feelings are unrequited, or unnoticed.

Lucas stared. The pages described the exact predicament he was in. This isn't a myth at all!

But who would be the object of his feelings..?

Then it struck Lucas. Athanasia.

He was in love with Athanasia.

Lucas's vision blurred, a blood tint covering everything.

"Lucas?" Came a fuzzy voice. Looking up, a female with blond hair appeared. "I wanted to check on you- oh my god!"

Lucas closed his eyes, ignoring the calls for his name.

Athanasia POV :


Scrambling over to where Lucas was, I called out his name, over and over again. What happened?

There was flower petals everywhere, along with an actual rose. On the floor laid a book. Grabbing it, I scanned the open page.

Hanahaki. Is that what Lucas had?

But for who? My heart sank a little, thinking of the possibilities.

A cough. "Tell her.."

My eyes shot back towards Lucas. His eyes were barely open, staring towards me.

"Don't worry Lucas!" My voice probably sounded desperate. "I'll get you to a doctor!"

"Tell her.." Lucas said feebly. "Tell her I love her."

A pang struck in my heart. "Tell who?"


Blood rushed into my cheeks. Me?

"I like her smile.. her stupid laugh.."

"Lucas!" I cried out. "I love you too! Just please don't leave me!"


Lucas closed his eyes.

Author's Note :
I'm sorry.

It also may be too dark for you to see because shading but oh well.

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