Creatober (Day 2) : Hungry

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"Lucas! Have you heard?"


"In celebration of All Hallow's Eve, the chef is making a ton of spooky treats!"

"All Hallow's what what?"

"Apparently, it wards off evil spirits."

"Oh." Lucas paused for a second. "That's stupid."

"Yes." Athanasia nodded, before smiling. "But we get treats."

"I'm not really a sweets person, you know that.."

Athanasia frowned. "I guess I'll have to ask Ijekiel then."

"Wait, what-"

"Yeah, if you don't want to go-"

"I never said I didn't!"

Athanasia blinked. "Oh. Well, let's go raid the kitchen."

The two walked through the hallways, slowing to a stop when reaching the kitchen. Peeking in, Athanasia grinned. Nobody was inside. Grabbing Lucas's hand, Athanasia pulled the wizard inside the kitchen and passed him a cookie. Accepting it, Lucas munched down on it while Athanasia grabbed her own.

"Hey- you said these were offerings to ward off evil spirits? Aren't you scared they'll come get you?"

"Nope!" Athanasia grinned, looking Lucas in the eye. "I know you'll protect me."

Lucas sighed. Yes, he would protect her, but he's not happy about it.

Nobody knew who the cookie thieves were.

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