Love, Anonymous

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Emotionally Constipated! Lucas x 'I write fanfic at 3AM'! Athanasia

TW : Swearing and a ton of pining


"What's that."

It was phrased as a statement, instead of a question. Athanasia snorted.

"A letter, dumbass."

Lucas hummed, his eye slightly twitching. "Open it then, dumbass."

Athanasia let out a chuckle before opening the letter. A piece of paper fell out, along with two small triangular pieces of origami. Picking up both items, Athanasia frowned.

Lucas tilted his head. "Something wrong?"

"I have no clue who this is from."

The boy leaned over Athanasia's shoulder, reading what the parchment said.

Your eyes are like a pool-

If I dive too deep, I'll drown.

But if air wasn't a necessity?

I'd drown for eternity.

Lucas frowned. "It looks to be a love letter, of sorts."

"Yes, I can see that." Athanasia retorted. "I don't know who it's from."

"It appears that whomever this letter is from wishes to remain anonymous."

"I can see that." The blonde deadpanned. "I just don't know anyone who doesn't sign off anything they write with their name."

"Unless it's fanfiction, of course." A ghost of a smile graces Lucas's lips. "Besides, not all of us are heirs of big companies like you, who are required to sign their name on everything."

Athanasia frowns once more, electing to ignore Lucas's previous statement. "It's also so morbid? I don't think I know anyone edgier than you- no offense, of course."

"None taken. However, I believe you can wait until class is over to play detective."

"What?" Athanasia glances up at the giant school clock, the bell ringing on cue. "Oh, fuck. Talk to you later."

"Later." Lucas agrees, watching as Athanasia runs off.


Later turns out to be lunch break.

Athanasia is furiously shoveling food into her mouth, tapping away at her computer and somehow managing to neatly write things down into her notebook.

She doesn't look up until the scent of coffee hits her nose, causing her to blink. Glancing upward, Lucas is there holding two cups of espresso along with his lunch.


"Hello, Lucas." Athanasia gratefully accepts the drink, resuming what she was doing before with the new addition of occasionally taking a swig from the cup.

Lucas was sitting next to Athanasia, taking bites from his sandwich. Glancing over at Athanasia's notebook, he squints at the text on the paper.

 " 'Jennette gasps softly, as Ijekiel gently grabs her hands?' "

"What?" Athanasia responds. Looking down at her notebook, she frowns. "Oh, fuck."

"That should be your catchphrase."

"Shut up."

Lucas chuckles slightly. "You really are desperately trying to get that chapter out, huh?"

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