The Enemy that is Scamming

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Continuation to "I'll Provide, I'll Survive. (Living is a different situation, however.)"


Athanasia kept the bandana tied around her head whilst entering the town, Jennette trailing behind her like a lost puppy. No one spared them a second glance.

Jennette was wearing clothes borrowed from Athanasia- she would be attacked by all the greedy merchants if she went out wearing clothes of nobility.

"Hey! You two lovely ladies!" A merchant called out to them, Athanasia glancing over at them quizzically.

"Is there something you need, sir?"

"Would you like to buy this wonderful illusion ring?" The merchant proudly displays the ring. "It can change your appearance! Only for 899 gold!"

Athanasia balks at that. "899-?"

"Don't buy it."

A man was standing next to Athanasia, frowning. "May I see that ring really quick?"

"Why, of course."

Taking the ring and holding it up to the sun, the man tuts. "This is such low quality; it could very well be the dirt we walk on. And for 899 gold? It's practically daylight robbery."

The merchant pales. "What?"

"I've got a feeling you didn't know that. News flash, you got scammed, my good sir." The man smirks, before turning to Athanasia. "Here, something that's fairly good. You can do better than that trash."

The man holds out a small ring, a jewel in the middle. Gently, he grabs Athanasia's hand before slipping the jewelry onto her ring finger.

"I- thank you?" Athanasia could feel the magic at work, sealing her true eye color away. "How much do I have to pay you, kind sir?"

"God- don't refer to me as that. I sound old." The man scrunches up his nose. "Call me Lucas. And let's just say you owe me a favor. Is that alright?"

Athanasia frowns. "Nothing unreasonable."

"Nothing unreasonable." Lucas chuckles.

"Fine, then. Thank you for the ring, Lucas."

"It's no problem, miss..?"


"Athy. Odd name, makes it memorable."

Athanasia snorts. "And it's not as boring as Lucas."

The man laughs good-naturedly. "I suppose not. I'll be seeing you around then."

"See you."

Jennette, who has been hiding behind Athanasia this whole time, blinks. "Who was that?"

Athanasia, turning and walking off, smiles. "I have no clue."


At the end of the day, Jennette ends up with two pairs of clothes and a pair of sleepwear.

"Ah- by the way, Athy?"


"What happened to your eyes?"

Athanasia pauses, before turning to look at Jennette. The girl panics, waving her hands around in a rather comedic fashion.

"I don't mean that in a rude way! I'm sorry if that was sensitive, or too intrusive-"

"Nothing happened to them."

"I swear I'll be less nosy- wait, what?"

Athanasia snorts, amused. "Nothing happened to them."

"But... what about your bandana?"

Smiling, the blonde removes her bandana to reveal perfectly normal green eyes. The illusion magic was fairly convincing. "It's a fashion statement."

Jennette looks between the cloth, and Athanasia's face flabbergasted. "I... I see."

Athanasia chuckles, putting the bandana back on.



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