Seven Minutes in Heaven

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I sit on the couch by a couple making out. I take a drag from my cigarette and two boys and three girls walk through the door. I've seen them before and parties most of them get really drunk and high by the time they leave. The boy with the blonde hair looks me up and down with a cute smirk as he continues walking with his friends. I've seen him at school before his hair is usually gelled straight but right now he has light curls which I like better. But who am I to say that.

"oh, so who's that?" My friend Heather asks with a smirk.


"he seems into you"

"he looked at me Heather, every guy I know has done that"

"I've seen him around school he isn't like every guy"

A/N: I'm not like most girls <3 *does Debby Ryan*

"good for him" I take her cup before she takes a drink of it. "who was holding this?" I say seeing the last couple of ice cubes not floating.

"that one Sunnyvaler that got invited" She points to the boy.

"hold on" I jump over the back of the couch and I go up to him.

"hey-" I cut him off by throwing the drink in his face. Everyone looks at the scene. He wipes off his face and looks at me angrily.

"don't you ever dare try to drug my best friend again, if you do I'll fucking kill you"

"listen I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but you need to sit your ass down before I make you" He steps closer to me and the blonde boy from before steps in front of me putting his arm on the Sunnyvaler's chest.

"back up okay? or we can take this outside" The boy says.

"fucking shittysiders" The Sunnyvaler says before he walks out of the party. Everyone goes back to having fun and drinking.

"thanks" I say to the boy.

"no problem he's a dick" I smile at him.

"I'm y/n"

"I know," He says and I raise my eyebrow. "I've seen you around"

"oh okay"

"I'm Simon by the way"

"cool, I like your nails"

"thanks" He says proudly. "it's cool how you were protecting your friend"

"eh I'm no Superman"

"hey let's play seven minutes in heaven!" A girl yells and everyone cheers in response. Most of us all crowd into the living room.

Heather was already sitting on the couch so she saved me a spot. Simon sits on the arm of the couch next to me. Heather looks at me with a smirk and I lightly elbow her in the arm. The girl I think named Kate explains the game and stuff. "everyone has a little paper with their names on it, but those in the hat" She puts a hat on the coffee table and everyone puts their names in. She picks out the first name. "Mike" She picks out the second one. "oh, me" Everyone cheers, and the two walk up to the closet.

"I'll time you guys!" Simon yells with a smirk. Everyone cheers as they walk into the closet. I get up while everyone talks and I go into the kitchen. I grab two cans of beer and I go back to my spot.

"have you ever shotgunned?" I ask Simon.


"wanna try?"

"sure, you first"

"okay" I hand him this beer and I take my car keys out of my bag. I stand up. I use one of the keys and I puncture the can then once the can is tilted I open the top. I immediately start chugging the beer and everyone starts cheering. The more I drink the more I put my head back. I quickly finish and I look at Simon who has a shocked look on his face. I crush the empty can and I drop it on the table. "your turn" I throw Simon the keys.

"fine" He stands up. He punctures the can and starts chugging it. As he chugs it he also crushes the can. Everyone cheers him on. He drops the can aggressively on the table and he yells and cheers with everyone else. I glance at the clock and the seven minutes are up.

"it's time!" I yell and everyone quiets down. We all walk over to the door and Simon opens it looking away in case something is going on in there. "it's fine" I say to Simon and he turns around. The girl, Kate had her hair in a ponytail and now her hair is down and messy.

"did you have fun?" One of her friends asks and everyone laughs.

"okay I think this will be our last couple," Kate says with a smile. She reaches in the hat and reads the name. "y/n" Heather nudges me. "anddddd" Kate pulls out the name. "Simon!" Everyone "ooooh"s and cheers. Me and Simon softy smile at each other and we stand up. We walk to the closet and Kate opens the door. "have fun" She smirks and we walk inside. She shuts the door behind us. Simon pulls the string above us and it turns on the light.

"hi" He says with a smile.

"hi," I say with a matching smile. "wanna kiss me?"

"depends wanna kiss me?" He steps closer, towering over me.

"I asked first"

"yes, I really fucking do. now, do you wanna kiss me?" I pull his head down to mine and I kiss him. He kisses back and we start making out. He grabs my waist, pulling me closer. He pulls away and I lift off his shirt. I stare for a second. We connect our lips again and we continue making out. Kate opens the door and Simon shuts it again without breaking the kiss. Everyone whistles and cheers and I break the kiss. We both laugh and we keep our foreheads together.

"we can leave the closet and go somewhere more comfortable" I say.

"we're allowed to?"

"a bunch of people already are doing that"

"okay then" Simon opens the door and everyone yells, whistles, and claps. Simon drapes his arm over my shoulder. "we're going away from all of you, but continue partying" Everyone cheers and we run upstairs. We finally find a room that doesn't have some kind of clothing on the door handle. Luckily it's an actual bedroom. I reach through the back of my shirt and leather jacket and I unclip my bra. I slide it out through my sleeve and I put it on the door handle.

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