The First Of Many

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"are we going to Sunnyvale?" I ask. I've been asking Simon where we're going for the past five minutes. He just lets out a laugh.

"Sunnyvale sucks I'm not taking you there" I laugh.

"okay then where are we going"

"you'll see y/n" I roll my eyes. He intertwines his fingers with mine. I lay my head on his shoulder. "you know if you want you can stay at my house, my mom won't care and neither will my brother"

"I'm gonna go back home Si, I can't leave my sister she's 8"

"you can live with me and you can go back home whenever you want to help and you can pick her up for school and after school, I can even help. we can even keep them at my house"

"as great as that sounds love, me being gone pushes all the abuse on her and I don't want that"

"I don't wanna see you get hurt, I can still see your black eye under the makeup"

"I'll be alright, I promise" He nods and he kisses my temple.

Simon puts his hands over my eyes.

"okay umm just don't kill me," I say holding my hands out in front of me.

"I'll try my best"

"Simonnn" I wine and he laughs.

"okay start walking straight" I do as he says. "okay stop there's a step" I stop. "okay step up"I step up onto the first step. "again" Then the second. "last one" I step up. "okay" He takes his hands off my eyes and I see a table with two chairs and different foods.

"you did this?" I ask with a smile.

"yeah, I came before I picked you up"

Me and Simon spent the night talking and we just finally got back to my house. I unlock the door and we go inside.

"can I use your phone, to check in"

"yeah, you don't have to ask. I'll be up in a minute I'm gonna go check if my siblings are sleeping" He nods and runs up to my room. I walk over to Max and Noah's room and I push open the door since the door was cracked open already.

"no way! I- y/n!" Max drops the phone down and Noah drops his comic book. They both hug me.

"hey" I hug back. "do you know what time it is?"

"yeah like 8 why?" Noah says.

"no, it's midnight you two" I lean on her door frame.

"oh really?!"

"yeah get to bed" They nod. Noah gets in his bed and Max goes to hers. She picks her phone up.

"hey uh I gotta go...yeah uh-huh bye" She puts her phone on the ringer and gets under her blankets.

"night" I shut off the light and I leave their room, shutting the door behind me. I walk upstairs to the Daniel's room. I walk over to the crib. "hey baby boy!" I say with a big smile as I pick up Daniel. He giggles and I walk out to Simon after I shut the door. He's standing by my door like he's waiting for me. "hey did you get ahold of your family?"


"okay we'll why aren't you still in there"

"I wanted to wait for you" I roll my eyes and I kiss him.

"why aren't you tired kid?!" I say lifting Daniel over my head. "go to sleep please if you haven't noticed there's a really hot boy here for me!" I bring Daniel back down to my face and I kiss his cheek a bunch of times making him laugh. I look at Simon who's just staring at me with a smile. I tilt my head and he snaps out of his thoughts.

"you're cute"

Neither me nor Simon could sleep so we just talked about school that was tomorrow or today? We have no clue what time it is now.

"oh! I have to make the color war posters!" I say.

"oh cool"

"yeah but I might need some help with them, there are a lot of posters I need to make" Simon looks at me with a smile. "wanna help?"

"duh!" I smile and I kiss him.

"we gotta actually get up soon, like a couple hours I wanna shower before Max gets up, she takes all the hot water" I play with his blonde hair.

"can we shower together at least?" He smirks.

"oh yeah" I say placing another kiss on his lips.


A/N: next time I'll actually write in their date idk why but when I thought of this one and actually writing it, it came out really cringe also give me date ideas for them

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