School Sucks

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"at least we have a witch, what do they have?" Heather says annoyed. We put in our combinations and we open our lockers. We start searching for stuff we need for our first two classes.

"mansions, literally everything we don't and do have" Deena walks up to her locker.

"hey" She says.

"hey" We reply. Someone puts their hands on my eyes.

"guess who?" It's Simon. All of a sudden butterflies move into my stomach.

"hmm is it the boy I slept with yesterday, Shawn?" I joke. I turn around and look at him. He as a tiny disappointed look on his face. "I know your name Simon" He smiles.

"you left your jacket" He holds it out and I take it.

"oh my God, thanks!" I kiss his cheek and his face turns a light shade of red.

"yeah anytime"

"...hey," Deena says and we all look at her. "are you guys going to the game? Simon doesn't have anyone to ride with since he's not in band or cheer, you should go with him"

"uh yeah sure" I say.

"but don't you-" I hit Heather's arm.

"meet us at the parking lot after school" I smile at Simon. The bell rings telling everyone to get to class. "catch you later Simon" Me and Heather walk away.

"so smooth Misery, what are you going to do about your siblings?"

"I'm gonna tell Max and Noah they can have a sleepover at their friend's place and Ms. Lane has Daniel I can get him when the game is over"


"look I'm not their mom, they'll be fine" I put on my jacket and something falls out of it making me and Heather stop. I hesitate for a second then I pick it up. I unfold it and I see it's a note. We should hang out more you're really cool ;) -Simon Along with his phone number.

"what is it?"

"just some math notes"

"you seem like you're really into math" She snatches it from me.

"Heather!" I say with a laugh. She sticks her arm out, holding me back so she can read it. "awwww that's cute" She says with a smile, handing me back the note.

"you're annoying" We walk into the classroom.

"oh look you two decided to show up thank you" The teacher says. I hate this teacher, they are the only teacher that's a Sunnyvaler that works at our school. Someone runs into the door and stops before they run into me and Heather. It's Simon again.

"I forgot I had this class" He whispers.

"and Mr. Kalivoda great"

"look you clearly don't like us, we can leave" I say crossing my arms.

"sit your asses down"

"Jesus" Heather mumbles and we all sit in our seats.

"I heard you all went to a party, not just the three. all of you"

"and? we're teenagers, we party" A girl in our class says.

"but everyone still made it to class on time, but you three"

"okay that isn't fair school isn't the most important thing in our lives" I say and they approach my desk.

"what is y/n? making sure your dad didn't OD, and any of your siblings didn't die" My jaw slightly drops.

"the hell is your problem?" Simon yells.

"you stupid Shadyside kids, I don't know why we give you a school it's not like you guys are going to go anywhere or doing anything. hell, half of you might be dead by your graduation-" I get up and storm out of the classroom. I leave the school and sit on the hood of my car. I reach in my pocket and I pull out my cigarette pack and lighter. I take a cigarette from the pack and I put the filter side in my mouth. I flick open my lighter and I protect the flame with my hand and I light the cigarette. I flick my lighter shut and I take a drag from it. Soon enough I see Simon walking to my car.

"you just can't keep away from me now can you?" I ask with a smile. I pat the spot next to me on the hood and he sits down.

"no I guess not," He says back with the same smile. "are you alright" Simon asks.

"yeah, he just pisses me off" He nods and he takes my cigarette. He takes a drag of it and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I...I like you and I don't like you because of the sex. I-I liked the sex but-" I smile at Simon and I grab his face.

"shut up blondie" I kiss him and he kisses back. He puts his hands on my cheeks but he makes sure not to burn me. We pull away still holding onto each other.

"so do you like me back?" Me and Simon laugh.

"yeah" He kisses me.

We ended up ditching that class but we went to the rest of our classes it was now the end of the day and me and Heather were waiting for Simon. Soon enough he came running to my car.

"sorry! sorry! Sam's locker got stuck and I had to open it for her!" Simon says out of breath.

"it's fine, they haven't left yet we have time" I say.

"come on we still gotta go talk to your siblings" Heather says and I groan. We all get in the car, Simon in the back and Heather next to me in the front. I start driving and Simon pops his face in the middle of us.

"hey, uh why are we going to see your siblings?"

"y/n refuses to bring them to the game so we have to tell them they can go home with their friends," Heather says turning to Simon.

"hey be happy, Daniel is already at Ms. Lane's"

"why are you refusing to bring them"

"because they are a lot, Heather remember when we brought them to the mall with us"

"okay, that was one time y/n"

"and somehow they got worse!"

"whatever" I pull into the parking lot and Max and Noah run up to my car.

"hold up speed racers," I say and they roll her eyes. "your gonna like totally love me, you can sleep at your friend's house tonight"

"really dad said I could?!" Max asks.

"no, but he's too drunk to know you're gone, have fun" They smile and runs back to their friends. I start driving away.

"they weren't that bad?" Simon says confused.

"because you saw them for less than a minute, they are a lot" Simon laughs and kisses my cheek before he turns up the radio.

"you think she's joking that's cute"

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