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Finally a night alone with just Heather we haven't had that in a while. Me and Heather have just seen the new Amityville. The movie theater is right next to the mall so we decided to go there even though we already know what's in every store.

"I'm going out for cheer next semester, you should too," Heather says taking a sip of her Orange Julius.

"oh maybe it'll be good on my college resume"

"yeah, but poor Simon will have to go to the games by himself"

"he'll live as long as he can see me in one of those skirts"

"hey" A boy and his friends come up to us.

"hi?" Heather says.

"uh we came over here to tell you that you both are beautiful"

"oh thank you" I say.

"me and my friend Brandon, I'm Peter by the way. wanted to know if you were interested in going out with us" He says with a smirk. Me and Heather look at each other through the corners of our eyes.

"listen we appreciate the gesture but we are both taken"

"oh by who" He asks throwing his hands up and looking side to side.

"by people now if you'll excuse us we'll be on our way"

"come on we're fun" His friend, Brandon says.

"leave them alone!" We look behind them and we see Ryan. I smirk at Heather. "they clearly aren't into you"

"how do you know that?" Peter says looking at Ryan.

"he's...uh..my boyfriend!" Heather says walking over to Ryan.

"okay one boyfriend found, what about yours?"

"right here!" I turn around confused and I see Simon and Kate. Simon walks over and he drapes his arm over my shoulder. "I just left for a moment to get her an Orange Julius" He hands me him. "now can you please leave us alone, thanks" Peter rolls his eyes and walks away with his friend.

"thank you my night in shining armor" I kiss him. "what are you doing here?" I take a drink of his Orange Julius then I give it back.

"what are you, I thought you guys were going to see Amityville?"

"we did, what are you doing here"

"Kate needed help picking a dress for something"

"are you two okay?" Kate asks.

"yeah," Heather says.

"all thanks to you two" I say with a smile.

Simon and Kate left and me and Heather just hung out with Ryan for the rest of the night.

"so y/n your working tomorrow?" Ryan asks.

"yup, I got the night shift" I say with fake enthusiasm. He laughs and shuts the gate.

"don't worry I do too" Heather says. I look in front of the counter and I see a bunch of toy lightsabers. I pick a red one up and I turn it on. I sneak up behind Ryan and he turns around. He jumps a bit and me and Heather laugh. I spin the lightsaber around with one hand and I act like I'm in the movies. I hold it up to his neck.

"dude how do you know how to do that" Ryan asks with a laugh.

"I have five little siblings that have loved Star Wars since they were born you connect the dots" I spin around and I point the lightsaber at Heather. "come on you guys have watched the movies a thousand times with me" Ryan goes over and grabs a green one.

"you're right but you're just admitting how big a dork you really are" He spins it around and walks over to me.

"you're a bigger dork dude the closest thing you've had to a girlfriend is one of those blow-up chicks" We start battling with our lightsabers. Neither me nor Ryan noticed Heather was gone until Ryan was sprayed in the face with something he was hoping was water. We look over and see Heather with a water gun. She cocks the gun, getting ready to spray again.

"gross what is this" Ryan asks while he wipes his face.

"toilet water from the back" Heather says with a smirk.

"gross!" I start laughing but it's quickly cut off by Heather spraying me in the face. I quickly wipe off my face and gag. Ryan laughs and she points it back at him. He puts his hand in front of his face.

"woah! whoa! how is this fair we have toy lightsabers and you have a water gun filled with toilet water!?"

"it's not that's why it's so fun!" She tries to spray him but he moves out of the way. I let out a laugh.

"dude your gonna have to pay for the gun" I say.

"15 bucks, totally worth it to see you guys hide like if you were getting murder" She tries to spray me but I duck behind a shelf.

"I'll laugh when you actually get murdered someday" She sprays me and I try and block my face with my hands. "dude...stop...chill out...HEATHER" I lean forward and I grab the gun. I pull her down along with it and I sit on top of her holding the gun towards her. We are both equally strong but I was stronger at the moment because she's dying of laughter.

"please....okay....I surrender....you win...don't spray....me...I'm sorry" She says between laughs. I spray her in the face and she yells.

Heather and me decided to go back to her place after we were done acting like idiots in the mall with Ryan.

"I think you were right," I say and she looks up from my nails.

"about?" She asks before continuing painting my nails.

"Simon, I think I am in love and it's mental because we just went on our first date someone can't fall in love that quickly" I say looking anywhere but at her.

"n/n" She closes off the nail polish. "look at me" She grabs my face. "you never cared for boys in your life. you never wanted a boyfriend, or a boy where you guys didn't have labels, or anything in between. hell, for a while I thought you were a lesbian" I roll my eyes. "now you have Simon, it became more than sex one time at one party. you guys kiss in the middle of the halls, you call him love, when he does some stupid thing your face turns red, that's never happened before. I'm not shocked you are in love and it's no too early. for some people, it takes years, months, seconds, lifetimes, days. It might be quick for you to fall in love with him but for him, it might take a while who knows. it depends on the person. you love him and I can see it because I know you if it were any other guy we wouldn't be talking about this right now" She wipes the tears off my cheeks and I hug her.

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