After Death

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Shoutout to my friend  because she idkkimjustbored helped me come up with this chapter name

y/n's pov

I squint my eyes because someone is flashing a flashlight in my face.

"okay, can you chill out with that" I groan out. Suddenly everything hit me. The mall, Heather, Ryan.

"I need you to tell me your name" I look around hoping to see Heather getting taken care of.

"Heather, Heather Watkins where is she is she alright" I look up at Nick and he looks past me with a sad expression on his face. I look over and they pull a sheet over her face and they load her into an ambulance. " she's alright right they're just blocking her face to remind people that she's already been checked or something right" Goode softy shakes his head and I cry.

"honey I need your name" The paramedic says.

"y/n y/l/n I'm 16 years old"

"thank you" They load me into another ambulance and Goode gets in with me.

"who should I call, your dad, mom even" He asks.

"Simon Kalivoda, my boyfriend, tell him to bring my little siblings with him" He nods. "can you tell me what happened, start to finish"

I explain everything that happens up until he shot Ryan in the head.

"y/n!" Max and Noah run into my hospital room.

"hey, you two" I sit up even though it hurts too. They hug me and I hug back.

"are you okay?"

"where's Heather?"

"did you beat up the killer?"

"was it cool and bloody like the movies?" They ambush me with questions.

"yeah sure it was cool and bloody like the movies and I beat the shit out of the killer"

"did they hurt you" Max asks sadly.

"only a little, I'm alright though. who brought you here?"

"Simon did" Noah says with a smile and Simon walks in.

"I thought I'd give you guys a second"

"y/n can we go get candy from the machine" Max asks.

"yeah, take Daniel with and there's money in my purse" They nod and Simon gives them Daniel before they leave with my purse. Simon sits down on the bed.

"the doctor said your lucky the killer stabbed you in a weird way and it missed like everything"

"I don't feel lucky" I say with a dry laugh.

"I'm picking you up tonight for the game I already talked to the doctor and he said you can go as long as you don't do some crazy shit"

"why do I have to go"

"they are having a vigil for the massacre. band, cheer, and football attendance is mandatory even if they were a victim"

"fine I'll go for Heather" He nods. "are people making jokes like about Sarah Feir and shit"

"yeah" He puts his head down almost as if he did too.

"did you"

"yeah, but it was Kate's idea it was to scare Deena"

"wow that'"

"your mad huh"

"no it's just fucked up having to die and people you thought were your friends are making jokes about what happened to you, I mean I wouldn't know though I didn't die" He lays down next to me on the bed and I play with his hair.

"I should've picked you up last night"

"no Simon you can't blame yourself every time I get hurt. it's my fault if I weren't frozen in fear at the sight of Heather I could've killed that mother fucker myself but he got me down and he fucked me up. it's my fault" He kisses me.

"I'm just glad you're alright"

Simon took my siblings to Ms. Lane's house before coming back to the hospital with my cheer outfit and his costume and makeup. I wash the green makeup off my hands and Simon comes up behind me, putting his chin on my head.

"ugh- Simon your gonna get your makeup in my hair"

"too bad" He kisses my head.

"come on let's go" Simon holds onto me and we leave the hospital after announcing it to my caretakers. We start driving to our high school.

"so, do you know who the killer was" I hesitate then I nod.

"it was Ryan, he just snapped and went all psycho" Simon glances at the stitches on my chest.

"does it hurt"

"only if I move my arms in certain ways I'm fine for the most part"

"did it hurt getting the stitches"

"dunno, Goode said I was passed out when they did it" He holds my hand.  "what if this was my vigil too?"

"I wouldn't be able to put on the witch make up" We both laugh. He pulls into the parking lot and we see everyone just starting to get on the bus. We get out and we walk over to Kate.

"y/n oh my God I didn't think you'd be coming! oh my God, your chest" She reached to see it and I turn.

"yeah, I'm stoked to be here right now" I say sarcastically.

"I know it's hard y/n I'm here for you"

"I'm sure you are, all those jokes and pranks in my honor"

"we played around after we knew you were okay"

"oh okay, Heather is dead let's make jokes about a massacre that one of our friends died in"

"Heather is dead?" She says looks sad and confused.

"yeah uh if you hadn't noticed up there it says in loving memory of Heather Watkins it didn't hit you that she's dead or something?" I walk past her onto the bus.

"I thought you died" One of the football players says.

"yeah good to see you too" I reply with an eye roll at the end. I sit all the way in the back. I stand up and I open the bus window and I light a cigarette. No one cares at all if I smoke on the bus, like 10 other kids do it too. I sit back down and I look through my backpack for my walkman. I put my headphones on and Simon sits by me.

"I'm sorry about Kate" I act like I don't hear him and I lay my head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and he rubs my arm. "I love you" He whispers.

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