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I get out of the car and I give Heather the keys.

"take everyone home, keep the car at your house I don't care" I see my dad and the twins standing in front of the door. (Max is holding Daniel)

"what the hell took so long!" Dad yells.

"w-we were in Sunnyvale" He looks behind me at my friends.

"who are the boys?"

"Simon and Josh"

Heather's pov

Her dad pushes her and her siblings inside. They both start yelling inside.

"is she okay being in there with him?" Kate asks.

"totally, I'm gonna wait in case she comes back out" y/n screams and something gets knocked over in her house.

"what the hell!" Simon tries to get out of the car and I grab his wrist.

"don't, you'll only hurt her worse if you go in there!"

"I'm supposed to sit here!?"

"yes, Simon yes!"

"you're mental!" y/n yells and she runs outside.

"get back here, I'll fucking kill you!" Her dad yells. Simon pulls himself from my grip and he runs up to her dad.

"Simon!" y/n yells as Simon gets hit in the face by her dad. Everyone in the car winces for him.

y/n's pov

"okay let's go" I pull Simon with me and we run to the car as my dad stands shocked because he hit someone that wasn't his own kid. I sit in the front seat and everyone stays quiet, shocked about what happened.

"i-if you guys want we can go to my house and watch a movie" Heather speaks up. Everyone agrees and she nods. She grabs my hand and I look at her. "I'm sorry" She mouths before she looks at the road again. I just smile at her. We get to Heather's house and we all get out of the car. We get inside.

"Heather I'm gonna go clean him up" I say and she nods. I know my way around her house so we can just go to her bathroom. We have to walk through her room because it's her own bathroom. Her room just has to be filled with pictures of us two. Simon stops.

"is this you?" Simon asks with a smile and I look at the picture. It's of me and Heather when we were six in bright color wigs and play dress-up clothes.

"yeah sadly" I say with a smile.

"how old were you"



"come on love, we didn't come here to look at my childhood photos"

"I'm asking Heather for a copy of that" He says walking into her bathroom.

"no, you aren't!" I laugh. He sits on the edge of the bathtub and I grab a washcloth and I pour some peroxide on it. I sit next to him and I light a cigarette and I put it in my mouth. "this might sting a bit" He nods and I put it on the bridge of his nose. He winces and I immediately take it off because I'm scared I hurt him more.

"I'm alright y/n just get it over with" I nod and I put it back on his nose. He winces again but quickly stops. "is your siblings okay with your dad?" I take the cigarette out of my mouth and I blow out the smoke.

"mhmm he'd never hit his little angels"

"he hit you"

"he uh doesn't like me"

"why did he hit you?"

"because of last night, I didn't pick up Max and Noah.....and you were over" His face drops.

"I-I did this"

"no! no you didn't I did, nothing was your fault" I say dropping the washcloth. I cup his face and I try not to burn him.

"I shouldn't have stayed"

"no, love you didn't do anything wrong all he did was saw our Polaroid and he flipped, he's a drunk he does that"

"don't give him an excuse"

"Simon don't worry about it anymore what's done is done and we can't change it"

"and I hate that"

"I know, just drop it for now" I take the Polaroid from my jacket pocket and I give it to him. "you can have it, love, so you can see how cute I am when I'm not with you" He kisses me.

"I'll keep it here" He takes out his wallet and he puts it in before putting his wallet back into his pocket.

"okay let's go" I put the cigarette out on Heather's ash tray. I pick up the washcloth and I put it in her hamper. We walk downstairs.

"hey what are we watching"

"Nightmare on Elm Street" Josh says.

"and Josh is gonna cry in fear" Deena jokes, twinkling her fingers in his face.

"shut up dude" He swats her hands away.

"I love Nightmare on Elm Street!" Me and Simon say in sync. We both look at each other shocked.

"you do?" I ask.

"yeah, it's so good!" We smile at each other.

Everyone ended up falling asleep but me and Josh because everyone else is lame. So we both sat in the middle of the floor and started talking. Turns out we both know a lot about killers, know thy enemy right?

"so do you like anyone Josh?"

"uh" He looks around making sure everyone is asleep. "uh...I-I like Kate"

"aww you guys would be cute"

"you think?"

"yeah totally, you should ask her out"

"really?! uh could you help me do it"

"yeah, dude of course!" He smiles at me. Simon groans and sits up without opening his eyes.

"be quiet Josh" He mumbles out before grabbing my waist. "lay down" He whispers and I lay down with him. I pull the cover over both of us and he keeps his arms around my waist.

"I guess this is goodnight Josh, we'll talk more tomorrow" He nods and he lays down in between Sam and Kate. Kate immediately cuddles into him and he looks at me with his eyes widened. "cuddle her back dork" He nods. He hesitates then he wraps his arms around her. Simon starts playing with my hair, twirling it, braiding it, just doing whatever he can to it. My eyes started to get heavy and Simon notices.

"go to sleep, love" He says softly.

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