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he can't love me Him saying I love you had brought back the thoughts of when I realized I loved him. I pushed it away because everyone I love leaves me one way or another, like Heather just did. I can just ignore it and nothing will happen Simon falls asleep on my head and I fall asleep on his shoulder.

"Shadyside! Shadyside! Shadyside!" I wake up to the whole bus yelling. I sit up and it makes Simon wake up. I see we're finally getting to Sunnyvale high and that's why everyone is yelling.

"Jesus what's with our school and yelling Shadyside, acting like we're the shit" I say rubbing my eyes.

"no clue but we are the shit y/n" Simon replies and I roll my eyes. "how's your chest"


"do you think you can make it through the game"

"yeah, the game. the vigil, who knows"

"hey I got you, if you wanna leave we will" I look up at him and I quickly see his green witch makeup. I start laughing. It's so hard to take him seriously with that makeup on. He huffs and a frown appears on his face. "I'm really starting to hate that I became mascot for you" I stop laughing and I just smile at him.

"I'm sorry okay it's just so hard to take you seriously when you look like a low-budget hulk in a witch hat" I kiss him. "but I appreciate that you're doing this for me, love" He kisses me again. We get up and we walk out of the bus last.

"everyone straight to the football field! everyone straight to the football field!" Coach yells and everyone does as he says. Simon walks away from me and stands across from the Sunnyvale mascot, then our football players stand across from the Sunnyvale football players, then the cheerleaders and band. I feel so awkward and alone usually if we'd be doing this me and Heather would be standing there with our arms linked, cracking jokes about the Sunnyvale team.

"everyone welcome up Mayor Goode" Everyone claps quietly as Mayor Goode walks up to the microphone.

"this isn't how I wanted to be here tonight, I wanted to be here as a fan. our Sunnyvale Devils and your Shadyside Witches throwing down some good old American football. instead I find myself here, as a husband, a father, as a neighbor, and yes, mayor of Sunnyvale. and on behalf of all the people in my town, I say all of Sunnyvale mourns with you."

"yeah, really looks like they give a damn, the only Sunnyvalers who came were the ones who had to" I say but I quickly realize I don't have anyone to say it to.

"our hearts are broken with grief" Deena starts walking away past me.

"where are you going?" I ask concerned.

"I need air" She says

"okay?" She leaves the crowd of students.

"Sam" Kate says looking over at the Sunnyvalers. I look over seeing Sam looking at us she walks away. The floodlights go out and everyone starts lighting their candles.

"I'm going to give my brother the chance to speak to you all" Mayor Goode and Sherif Goode switch places.

"my family has been in Sunnyvale for generations and now my brother is mayor and I am your sheriff. we've prospered here, and yet I've seen you, our neighbors in Shadyside, suffer tragedy after tragedy. my own niece, was attacked last night. it's easy in times like this to drown in questions of why.. why this happened. but I know too well there are no answers that will provide relief. there's no peace found in the past." I roll my eyes. "we must not fall into darkness, we must look to the light"

"yeah, what we should do is light a fuse and burn down Shittyside" We all look over to the Sunnyvalers.

"what'd you say?" A boy in my class and the football team asks.

"I said it ain't a tragedy when it happens every week, it's a joke" Everyone starts approaching each other.

"I knew these assholes would start this shit" I mumble.

"say that again motherfucker" our player says shoving the Sunnyvaler and they start fighting. Sherif Goode tries to break them up. Simon runs out and hits the Sunnyvaler with his broom then he flips him off. I shake my head and laugh.

"you little green prick!" The Sunnyvaler starts chasing Simon.

"suck it inb-" I get cut off by being hit and knocked down.

"y/n!" Kate yells. I fell weird and I realize my stitches broke. "Jesus Christ!" Kate yells seeing my chest. "we need help over here!" Sheriff Goode runs over to us.

"okay y/n come on ambulances are coming" Goode says putting my arm around his shoulder. I wince in the process. He stands me up and we walk over to the stage. Simon runs over to me once Sheriff Goode helps me sit down.

"are you okay? your chest" Simon says cupping my face.

"yeah I'm alright don't worry about me"

"dude you gotta get her to the hospital" Simon says looking at Goode.

"yeah we're working on it, calm down" Sheriff Goode says back.

"she's bleeding out"

"I'm fine" I protest.

"you're not"

"I am"


"Simon" He sighs.

"fine you're fine, since your fine I'm gonna go"


"fine!" He walks away and I huff.

I feel bad for, no clue. why the hell should I feel bad he's the one who got mad! I play with my hands and I just stare at the ceiling. They fixed my stitches but they want me to stay longer because of how easily they ripped before. I got punched in the face and I fell wrong on my arm, ripping my chest open.

"pathetic" I mumble to myself.

"y/n, you got yourself a roommate" The nurse says and I turn on my side away from them.

"can they move out"

"jeez I know Deena hates me but you too?"

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