I Saw the Witch

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The second we get to the police station I get out and I start walking anywhere else.

"where are you going?!" Simon asks.

"to pet a unicorn dude, why does it matter" I say sarcastically.

"it doesn't, Simon go with her" Kate says. Simon nods and I start running away from the group. I start to throw up because of the dead people, seeing Ryan after he died but being alive? And Kate's speeding. Simon grabs my hair and I finish. I wipe my mouth and Simon gives me a look.

"Si I'm alright" I say taking out my cigarette pack. I light a cigarette.

"no, you gotta stop saying that just tell me what's wrong and I can help you and we can get you all fixed up and shit and everything will be alright and normal again" I take a drag and I blow the smoke in his face.

"that's the problem isn't it, too much is wrong with me. you can't do anything about that, you can't change it, you can't fix me because I'm not broken, I don't need to be fixed okay I'm me! and this is normal it's Shadyside have you met anyone here who wasn't a survivor or who knew someone in some massacre?"

A/N: shoutout to you if you know what most of that line is from

"your right this is normal and this is you, that's why I love you"

"don't say that"

"I love you y/n I love you"

"shut up please"

"I know you love me too so just say it back" I hear faint singing.

"shhh shut up. shut the fuck up Simon" I say covering his mouth with my cigarette facing me so I don't burn him.

"you always hurt the ones you love, the ones you shouldn't hurt at all"

"what the hell" Me and Simon stand up and slowly walk around the corner. We see a girl sitting on the sidewalk with her head on her knees. We slowly start walking up to her. I hold Simon's hand.

"hey, are you okay?" Simon asks and she looks up at us with a smirk. I quickly see she has two huge cuts on her eye.

"what the fuck" She takes out a razor blade and she tries to get me. Simon moves me out of the way so she sliced his ankle. He yells and falls down. I start running back to Kate and Josh. I see Sam and Deena came back outside. "hey- Simon- some chick-" I try and catch my breath.

"spit it out y/n!" Deena says.

"some chick is trying to kill Simon!" We all start running back over to where Simon was. Once we get there I see Simon laying in the middle of the road and the girl is sitting on top of him. Deena shoots her in the head and she falls off of him. I run over to grab him and I pick up a locket in the meantime. I also pick up the gun Deena dropped. I hide the gun in my jacket and we get into the ambulance. I sit Simon down and I start looking for something to wrap his leg with while he freaks out.

"where do I go?!" Kate asks.

"our house!" Josh replies and Kate speeds off. I sit down on the floor in front of Simon and I set the stuff down in his lap. He takes the cigarette from me and takes a drag. I take a cloth and I pour peroxide on it.

"this is gonna hurt a bit okay" I say and Simon nods. I put the cloth on his ankle and he winces. He grabs my free hand and squeezes it. "ow okay Si your gonna break my hand" I say with a laugh and he loosens his grip.

"sorry" He says.

"it's alright" I take it off of his ankle and I grab the bandage. I wrap it around his ankle and I look up at him with a soft expression.

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