He's Alive?

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I turn around.

"oh hey Sam" She smiles at me. "why are you here?"

"I got into a car crash"

"holy shit are you alright" The nurse helps her onto her bed next to mine.

"yeah I'm fine, how bout you"

"I could be worse, like having a blood pile on the mall floor and being in the morgue down the hall" The nurse leaves us.

"I heard, I was gonna say sorry to you at the game, it must be hard already without Heather"

"yeah, so where's..."



"he's coming"

"cool, I get to hit him back"

"oh my god, he's the reason your stitches broke" I nod.

"don't worry about it though he did it on accident I'm just making jokes" She nods.

"hey babe" I roll my eyes as Peter walks into the room. "oh hey uh.."


"right y/n. anyways I got you jello, you gotta eat" He continues talking to Sam. The phone next to me rings so I pick it up while Sam and Peter talk about whatever the hell they talk about.

"yeah?" I ask into the phone.

"it's me" Simon says.

"just great" I say under my breath.

"I'm sorry I got frustrated and-"

"it's fine, we're fine, great actually, we're great. look I gotta go me and Sam were deep in conversation"


"yes, Sam, goodbye" I hang up the phone and both Peter and Sam are giving me "what the hell" looks. "don't act like you haven't done that to get away from someone" Peter shrugs.

"hey Peter can you get me a chocolate bar from the vending machine"

"uh yeah of course babe" He leaves the room.

"are you alright?"

"yeah, my chest is a little-"

"emotionally" Sam cuts me off

"...I'm fine"

"you can't be fine" She says with a comforting smile. I get up and I grab my pack of cigarettes and lighter. I walk over to the window and I open it.

"but I am" I say sitting in the windowsill. I open my cigarette pack and I take one out. I light it and I take a puff.

"I thought you stopped smoking before I moved"

"well I stopped stopping smoking"

"when" I wave my hand that's holding the cigarette around.

"now" She sighs. "want some" I asks trying to change the subject.


"you sure it's good" I smirk.

"fine" She gets up slowly and walks over to me. She takes the cigarette and throws it out the windows.

"wha- hey!"

"Simon isn't gonna like this"

"I'm supposed to care?"


"dude I'm fine I promise"

Simon's pov

Me, Josh, Kate, and Deena came to the hospital to tell Sam to get her boyfriend to leave us alone. Deena just went up to Sam's room.

"you should go see y/n she got pretty fucked up at the game" Kate says.

"I kinda got mad at her so I don't think she would want to see me"

"I think she would" Kate says placing her hand on my shoulder. Sam and Deena start running down the hall.

"go! go!" They yell.

"did they get back together?" y/n runs out of the door with blood on her.

"what the hell do you think go means!?" She yells, running past us.

y/n's pov

Deena and Sam continue arguing while me and Peter stand next to each other and watch. I hear blade and I look at Peter. I see a blade in his stomach and blood coming from his mouth.

"oh my god!" I yell and Deena and Sam look over. The blade gets pulled out of him and Peter and the curtain fall together, into my arms. It quickly reveals someone in a costume like Ryan's. I stand there frozen, getting flashbacks of what happened just two nights ago. Sam and Deena run. Skull Mask grabs me by the neck and I drop Peter's body. They walk forward making me get slammed back into the wall. "chill the fuck out!" I keep repeating. They lift their knife and I grab their arm, holding it away from me. why this again to me I'm not a bad person I knee them in the crotch and they drop me. I jump over Sam's bed and I start booking it down the hall after I grab my backpack. I get out of the doors Deena and Sam just ran through and I see Simon, Kate, and Josh. "what the hell do you think go means!?" I yell knowing Deena just told them to go. I run past them down the same hall Sam and Deena went down. I get to the waiting room and I look around for a spot to hide.

"y/n right here!" Deena whisper-yells. I get behind the counter with them.

"are you okay" Sam asks. I nod and I quietly catch my breath. I touch something wet and I look down to see what it is. Deena and Sam notice and we all look over. We see the receptionist dead. I cover my mouth and Sam covers her's. Betty walks out and we quietly try to tell her to hide or run.

"hey you can't wear that mask, what are yo-" They stab Beddy in the neck. They get all the way on the ground with Beddy still attached to their knife. They look at us and Sam screams. They take the blade from her neck and we jump over the desk and they stab me in the arm. I scream in pain and they grab me. I scream again. Deena jumps on their back and Sam tries to take their knife. Somehow we ended up on the floor, I think Deena weighed him down. Sam also got dragged down to the floor at some point, I don't know I'm trying to live.

"guys come on hurry!" Simon yells from outside. Sam bites their hand and Deena throws them down. they try to get up so I hit them in the face with my bag, knocking the mask off their face. We stand up and they turn around without their mask. It's Ryan. "Ryan please it's me!" I yell and he stabs me in the chest making me let out an ear-piercing scream. Simon grabs me by the wrist and he pulls me into the ambulance.

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