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A/N: after this chapter, I might just time skip to closer to the movie's time frame. also, credit to the name from my friend Blessing who's too scared to make a Wattpad account

I just dropped Ryan off at home because he had to help his dad with something I guess. I got the Burger King and I start heading to Simon's. Kate said she didn't want anything but I got her something because her mind can change. After all, it's been like an hour. I pull up to Simon's house and I see his and Kate's car out front. I get out of the car and I grab the bag of food. I lock my car and I walk up to Simon's door. I knock.

"come in y/n!" Simon yells from inside. I open the door and I walk inside.

"hey how'd you know it was me?" As I finish the question he connects his lips with mine.

"uh who else would be here at midnight"

"I don't know you tell me"

"FOODDDDDD!" Timothy yells as he flies down the stairs, stopping in front of me. He puts his hands out and gives me a puppy face. I roll my eyes and I hand him the bag.

"have at it, oh and Kate I got you some food to"

"oh uh, thanks" Kate says. I just nod in return. Everyone walks into the kitchen and I look at all the stuff on the walls, like pictures and shit because I've never been in his house. It's cute. My eyes land on school pictures of Timothy and Simon through the years. I quickly spot Simon's picture from either this year or last.

(you know, this one)

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(you know, this one)

Simon quickly pushes it down so I can't see it.

"aww" I wine with a smile.

"you don't need to see that picture"

"oh don't act like I didn't see you in the halls that day" He puts his arm around me and we walk into the kitchen where Kate and Timothy are already eating.

"okay so your dad is just never there and when he is he's a dick" Timothy asks with a laugh at the end.

"yeah dude it's fucking crazy" I say with a smile. I take a drink of the beer and I hold my legs to my chest. Simon looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"s-so what about your mom" Timothy slurs. I take a puff of my cigarette.

"g o n e goneee I haven't seen her in..." I silently count on my fingers. "two years" Me, Kate, and Timothy giggle. Simon shakes it off because he knows this is how I cope with shit. I lay my head in Simon's lap and he plays with my hair. Simon's front door opens and a lady walks through the door.

"mom?" Simon says getting up. "I thought you were in your room with dad" I put out the cigarette in the ash tray.

"nope, we went out" A guy says walking into the house throwing his arm over the lady's shoulder. From what Simon called them I'm pretty sure they're his parents. "oh who's this girl? Timothy, my boy you finally got a girlfriend!" His dad says bringing Timothy in a tight hug.

"uh no sir I'm Simon's girlfriend" I say politely. He looks me up and down.

"how much is he paying you to blow him?" My jaw drops and his mom smacks his arm with a fake smile.

"he's just joking hun he doesn't think you're a prostitute"

"okay well I gotta get home I have a baby to take care of"

"baby? maybe you are one" His dad says looking me up and down once more. I should've clarified.

"don't call her that! she's not a prostitute or a whore or whatever!" Simon yells back holding onto me.

"Si I'll just go, it's really late" I softly as his dad approaches us.

"I will call her whatever I want in my house, stop trying to act like a big tough man"

"your house? I do the work I pay the bills what the hell do you do!?" Simon yells.

"I gave you life!"

"I didn't ask you to!"

"go take your whores home, we're gonna talk" Simon grabs his dad's collar and pushes him against the wall making everyone gasp. From everyone's reactions, I can tell that he has never done that before, in front of them at least.

"I told you not to call her that, her or Kate!"

"just calm down please" I say putting a hand on his shoulder. "Simon please it's not worth it, it's a name"

"no, he needs to learn he can't get away with this shit" He keeps his eyes on his dad's as he says that.

"Simon stop y/n's right" Timothy says pulling Simon away from his dad.

"look I'm gonna go" I say pecking Simon's lips. "as always if anything remotely interesting happens call me" I pick up my bag and I start to walk away.

"no, you drank. you can stay here tonight"

"I had a half a beer love I'm alright"

"call me when you get home"

"once I put my siblings to bed-"

"when you get home" I put my hands up in defense.

"fine, fine when I get home" He smiles and kisses me.

"honey, we'll have you and your family over one night when everyone isn't so riled up, I want to properly meet you" His mom says with a soft smile.

"that would be nice" I give her the same smile and she shakes my hand. I go to walk to the door.

"uh wait" Simon stops me again. I look at him confused and he runs upstairs. He comes downstairs and shoves something in my hand. I look and I see it's money. "for the food-"

"no, no way I'm not taking your money"


"love, I don't need your money you don't gotta pay me back"

"then give the money to the twins I don't care just take it" I roll my eyes.

"fine, I'm going now!" I walk towards the door.


"Simon" I groan and turn around. He kisses me and flips off his dad in the process.

"I just wanted another kiss meanie" I roll my eyes with a smile.

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