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We watch as it's Sunnyvale vs Shadyside, like always. We always lose so no one even pays attention to the game. I play with Simon's rings and he looks down at me.

"want one?" I look at him confused. "here" He takes one of his rings off his finger and puts it on mine, I'm surprised it fits. He then takes one of mine and he puts it on one of his smallest fingers. I smile at him and he kisses my temple.  Everyone starts cheering and we look over at the field. We hadn't noticed we were tied with Sunnyvale and we were about to get another touchdown. Me and Simon shoot up and join in the yelling. We get the touchdown and every shadysider there starts cheering including us two. We won a game, for the first time since my dad was in high school which was like the '70s or '80s. Everyone can see the Sunnyvale team was P I S S E D.

I was driving home and both Simon and Heather were asleep. Simon was stretched out over the back seats and Heather was holding her legs to her chest with her head against the window. As I drove down the same road as last night I feel liquid falling down my nose to my lips. I pull off to the side of the road and I feel it and I see its blood.

"again?" I say to myself as I find another napkin I hold it to my nose and I start driving with one hand. After a minute my nose stops bleeding so I throw the napkin out the window again. I get to Ms. Lane's house and I knock on the door.

"hello y/n" Ms. Lane smiles at me.

"hi Ms. Lane, thank you for taking him longer than usual"

"of course hun I love having him here, he's asleep let me get him for you" Ms.Lane walks away. I chew on my nails and she comes back holding him and his bag.

Heather woke up so she held Daniel in his car seat. We get to Heather's house and I pull into her driveway.

"we're here" She nods and hugs me. She gets out of the car and she puts Daniel in her seat. She sticks her head back in. "thanks" She says and I just nod. She moves her head and shuts the door. She unlocks her door and goes inside. I start driving back to my house, I don't know where Simon lives so I'm letting him stay the night with me. I put the car in park and I take the keys out. I get out and I open the back door. "Simon, Simon, Simon!" He won't wake up, but he's breathing so he's fine. I put my hand on his. "Simon, baby wake up" He softly groans then he opens his eyes. He yawns and sits up. He looks at me with a smile.

"hey" He says.

"hey, let's go inside" He nods and he gets out of the car. He shuts the car door and I grab Daniel. We walk up the sidewalk to my front door. I unlock it and we go inside. We walk up to my room. "is it alright if he sleeps in the crib in here orrr"

"in here is fine I like babies" Simon takes Daniel and starts playing with him. "what's his name?"


"cool, hi Daniel I'm Simon. your sister has a crush on me" I roll my eyes.

"can I change?"

"uh yeah" He faces the other way and I let out a giggle. I take off my shirt and bra then I put on an oversized shirt. I take off my pants and I switch them out with shorts. I turn around and he looks back at me with a soft smile. "is it okay that I sleep with my shirt off"

"yeah of course" He nods and I take Daniel. He takes off his shirt, he doesn't have abs or anything but he was still hot, I actually like that he doesn't have abs or a "model body". I turn off the light and I turn on my lamp. I hold Daniel to my chest and I slowly sway back and forth. "I bet this is the last thing you thought you'd be seeing tonight," I say with a light laugh.

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