Die Well, My Love

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Kate unties the door and we go inside the bathroom to put out the remaining fires.

"come back from that mother fuckers!" Simon yells and I smile.

"we're alright! we did it!" I say before I kiss Simon passionately.

"uh guys" Josh says and we all look around seeing the dead killer goo moving off the walls. oh fuck Josh gets close to the ground to see what's happening. A hand forms and reaches for him. Kate pulls Josh back and we all start running. We get into a classroom and we shut the door. I lock it and Deena and Sam try to push the teacher's desk to the door.

"hurry they're coming!" Deena yells.

"yeah, and they're gonna keep coming" Kate says.

"we're fucked!" Simon yells.

"no, no! we are not fucked they're fucked. they're coming for them. if we put Sam and y/n in the hall, we end this now."

"no fucking way!"

"you're a monster!" Deena says the same time as Simon.

"I'm being reasonable! we can't run anymore! a bullet won't stop them, fine. they're really strong, but we just tried to goddamn explode them and that didn't work!"

"you're suggesting killing them"

"I mean, that's not exactly what she's saying" Josh says.

"oh, you're on her side?" Deena says turning towards Josh.

A/N: heyyy I don't have Netflix anymore bc it got canceled so some of this might not be correct.

"do you realize you are killing all of us!? look at this" Kate takes Josh's backpack and pulls out the pictures. "dead, dead, dead! this is the way
this is the way. the only way. I'm sorry, they gotta go"

"are you kidding me?"Simon asks.

"Kate's right," I say. "I don't want you guys to die for me. I'm going. I'm ending this maybe Sam can stay and only one of us dies"

"I'm going to" Deena goes over to Sam so they can have their moment.

"no you're not" Simon walks over to me. "are you crazy?" He grabs my face.

"yeah that's what I've been told" I put my head against his and I let out a sob. "I gotta do this love, for you" I pull away.

"no" Simon says under his breath.

"check in on my little siblings every once and a while for me they love you" Me and Sam hold hands. I can tell Simon's trying to pull himself together. Kate unlocks the door and we start walking out. I look back one more time and I see Simon holding onto Deena while they both cry. We get out and we stand in the middle of the hall. Kate shuts the door behind us and I can hear Deena screaming still.

"your killing your girlfriend! we're killing them!"

"are you scared?" Sam asks and I look at her.

"yeah, you?"

"hell yeah"

"at least I get to see Heather again" Sam squeezes my hand tighter as we hear running. Nightwing comes around the corner axe and all.

"oh fuck"

"I can't do this dude this death shit is gonna take forever if that fucker is killing us"

"we gotta, for Simon, for your little siblings, for Deena" He starts walking towards us.

"no dude, I can't even have one last cigarette"

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