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"I can't believe you're wearing that" Deena says.

"I can't believe you're above wearing it when we're in the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are after us" Kate replies, walking down the hill.

"hey, should we go to the mall to see what happened to you?" Simon asks.

"no, we don't have the time"

"you sure?"

"100 percent"

"okay" He jumps down from the ambulance and he helps me down. We start walking down the hill to where everyone else is.

"okay, so I fell out of the car..." Sam gets on her hands and knees. "here." She starts crawling forward. "I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding. and then" Her hand drops into a hole covered by the moss. "I feel something" Sam pulls up some chains.

"chains?" Kate asks.

"not just chains" Simon starts. Sam pulls it more and a skull appears.

"now fucking way" I say grabbing Simon's arm.

"Fier. it's her" Josh says holding the lock. "it's her grave"

"no, no, no, no. this is bad this is really bad!" Simon says.

"no wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave" Kate says.

"now she's sending her henchmen after us" Josh whispers low enough that we can still hear.

"henchmen?" Kate asks. "as in every one of those sickos on your wall is going to be coming after us?" A twig snaps.

"did you hear that?" We all look deeper in the woods and nothing is there.

"hold up, hold up," Simon says and we all look back at him. "she's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?"

"yeah so?" Deena asks.

"so let's un-disturb it. just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest"

"that's so stupid!"

"that's genius!" Josh says.

"yeah in..."

"Poltergeist" I finish for Simon.

"yeah Poltergeist-" More twigs snap and we look back, still nothing there.

"whatever. let's do it quickly so we can go" Kate says.

I look through Peter's car to find something to wrap Sarah's bones in. I find a Sunnyvale lederman jacket.

"hey, guys is it like jacked up if we put her in a Sunnyvale jacket" I ask.

"it doesn't matter just hurry" Deena replies.

"okay" I grab it and I sit back on the ground. I lay the jacket in the hole and we start putting the bones in and I feel my nose start bleeding again. The blood drips onto the pile of bones.

"it's you! it's you!" The witch yells

Simon grabs my arm and I jump.

"did it work?!" Kate yells. "did it?" I stand up next to Sam.

"you saw her again, me too" Sam whispers.

"she wants us" Right as I say that someone comes running at us with a axe. I pull Sam away and it barley gets her arm. We all run back up the hill and into the ambulance. Once we get in Kate immediately steps on the gas and we go.

"well, that was a bust!" Kate says.

"yeah, maybe because it's not like the movies, okay? it's not as easy as putting bones to rest!" Deena says getting a cloth for Sam.

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