A Morning In The Life

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Me and Simon never fell asleep.

"hey, we can take that shower now" I say with a smirk. Simon gives me the same smirk.

"okay let's go" We both get up and we run to the bathroom. I shut and lock the door. Simon pushes me against the wall with a kiss. My hands quickly pull off his shirt and he pulls off mine. We walk over to the shower that Simon already turned on. I take off my pants and underwear as he does the same. I also take off my bra. Simon admires my body. "you're fucking gorgeous y/n" He says on my neck making butterflies swarm my stomach.

"you're fucking hot Simon" We both get into the shower. Simon connects our lips again.

We did it and it was fucking great. Luckily we finished before Max and Noah woke up. I'm honestly shocked I can still walk like Jesus Christ. My alarm goes off and I just shut it off because we were already are awake.

"oh? do you have clothes?" I ask.

"uh yeah in your car" I nod.

"you should go get them" He nods and he gets up. He kisses my cheek before he leaves my room to go outside. I start going downstairs to wake up Max and Noah. I knock on the door repeatedly. "wake up zombies!" I open the door and I go inside. They slowly start sitting up, groaning and rubbing their eyes. "go take a shower, and get ready you got school" They stand up and walk over to me.

"morning" Max mumbles before kissing my cheek. Noah just pats my shoulder. did they even hear me? They walk upstairs and I walk out of their room. I go upstairs into Daniel's room I walk over to the crib and I see he's already awake still sucking on his binky. I smile and pick him up.

"hey Monkey" I walk over to his changing table and I change his diaper. "oh hold on baby" I quickly run to the end of the stairs. I look through the laundry basket until I find something for him to wear. I find a singlet that says 'I have a badass older sister'. Heather got him that. I walk back into his room and I take off his old clothes and throwing them onto his crib. I put him in the singlet and I button the bottom. I find some baby shorts and I put them on him. I pick him up. "God you are so adorable" I walk downstairs. Simon walks in the door and sees I have Daniel.

"oh hey little man" Simon says with a smile. Daniel reaches towards Simon.

"Simon can hold you later monkey he's gotta go get dressed" Daniel starts making grabby hands.

"I can carry him to the kitchen"

"you don't have to"

"I want to" I give him a sweet smile and I hand him Daniel.

"just around the corner, put him in his highchair" Simon nods and walks away, playing with Daniel. I grab Max and Noah's bags and I make sure they have everything. Simon runs upstairs to change and I walk into the kitchen. Max runs downstairs.

"there's a boy in your room"

"oh really is he hot?" I say sarcastically.

"yeah!" My mouth slightly falls open. She sits down and starts eating cereal. Simon comes downstairs. I wrap my arms around his neck and I kiss him. We pull away.

"want coffee?" He nods his head like a little kid. I put the coffee in the machine and it starts making coffee. Ms. Lane usually gives Daniel food so I just put some cheerios in front of him. Noah runs downstairs shaking the water off his hair. "dude, seriously?"

"sorry I had to dry my hair" He says.

"right we live in a time when towels weren't invented" He just rolls his eyes.

"whos this?" He asks getting himself a bowl of cereal.

"Simon, my boyfriend"

"boyfriend?" Simon asks.


"boyfriend" He smirks.

"cool hey" Noah says shoving food in his mouth.

"okay chill out you still have..." I look up at the clock. "hour in a half your kidding!?"

"you didn't hit snooze on your alarm today you got up right when it sounded off"

"hmm I guess I did?" I look over and the coffee pot and it's full now. "oh coffee"

"oooh" Simon says and I grab two mugs. I pour the coffee in the mugs. He takes one. "thanks" He says kissing my cheek. We both put what we want in our coffees. Both of my siblings eat and while we wait for it to be time we all watch Scooby-Doo in the living room. "hey okay it's 8 guys lets go grab your shit" My siblings get up keeping their conversation going and they grab their bags. "so, you done with me yet Si?"

"no, your stuck" He says pulling me into a kiss. I pull away.

"great, can you get Daniel then while I get my stuff" He nods. I run upstairs and I grab Daniel's diaper bag along with mine. I run back downstairs. "hey do you need to get your bag I can drive to your house?"

"uh yeah actually"

"okay" We walk outside with the rest of my siblings. Max and Noah get into the back seats and they keep talking about whatever. Simon gets into the front passenger seat and I get next to him in the driver's seat. We start driving to Ms. Lane's house. "remember you said you're helping me with the color war posters"

"of course, at least we get out of Mr. Sunnyvale's class" I smile at him and he smiles back. I kiss his cheek and both my siblings go


"oh be quiet" I respond.

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