Graveyard Shift

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A girl puts a walkman in the box on the counter. She smiles at me and I smile back.

"just this?" I ask and she nods. I pull it over to me and I scan it. "that'll be 124 dollars and 42 cents" I say.

A/N: I googled it and walkmans were actually around that much

She hands me the money.

"keep the extra, I know you need it" She smirks and I realize she gave me an extra hundred. I give her a fake smile and I put the money (except for the extra 100) in the cash register.

"honey was that some sort of insult, I could use this hundred" I shove the bill into my pocket.

"great I literally don't care" I pull the receipt and I put it on top of the box, sliding it back to her.

"thank you for shopping at Radio Shack" She rolls her eyes and starts to walk away. "and have a nice night" I say flipping her off.

"well that was sad"

"oh Jesus!" I say jumping around. "knock next time!"

"on what a shelf?" Ryan asks.

"no on your empty head dipshit, I don't care" He puts his hands up in defense. I walk past him and I close the gate. "you need a ride home?"


"okay well I gotta stock some shit before we go"

"I'll help" I nod and we go into the back.

Simon's pov

"do you really like y/n? like really?" Kate asks picking up the Polaroid from me and y/n's first night staying together.

"yeah why do you think I'm with her"

"I don't know, she just seems weird you know. from what you told me"


"you said she just ran off right? and when you found her, her nose was bleeding and she was just looking down at the ground"

"she said she saw something, she could've tripped before we got there"

"yeah, but"

"but what"

"also she's never liked anyone so.."

"why would she like me? is that it"

"yeah but, I don't mean it like your not good enough for her or anything! it's just why would she just randomly start dating"

"why does it matter? just because her first couple years of high school she didn't want a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't want one now"

"yeah, your right, sorry"

"it's fine please be cool with her, she and Heather are going out for cheer next semester"


"yeah she and Heather are really excited don't fuck it up"

"yeah alright" The phone rings and I walk downstairs, Kate behind me. I pick up the phone off the ringer.


"hey, love" y/n says out of breath.

"hey, uh are you okay you sound out of breath"

"because me and Ryan just brought in a lot of boxes"

"oh okay, do you need me to pick you up or something I thought you had your car?"

"no, no I was just calling to say I was gonna be late, I can bring over some food when I leave work"

"oh I want food" I hear Ryan through the phone.

"dude shut the hell up" y/n says back to him.

"uh yeah food sounds great"

"okay, Burger King?"


"okay, is anyone else over like Timothy?"

"uh yeah Timothy and Kate both"

"okay, do they want anything?" I take the phone away from my face.

"y/n wants to know if you want anything from Burger King" Kate's face lightly drops because she knows she was just judging her and y/n was voluntarily get her food.

"no, I dont want anything" Kate says crossing her arms. I nod and I put my the phone back up to my face.

"no Kate doesn't want anything"

"okay what about Timothy"

"let me see" I move the phone from my face. "Timothy want Burger King!?" I yell.

"yes!" He yells back and I put the phone back to my face.

"yeah he does"

"okay well I'll see you too bye"

"bye" I hang up.

y/n's pov

"I'll get you food to Ryan"

"yessss" I sit on the floor across from Ryan and we start opening up the boxes. "hey uh what's with your shirt?" I look down and I see the blood on it.

"I just got a weird fucking nose bleed and this was all I had to clean it off"

"weird how so?" He asks taking stuff out of the boxes.

"I don't know, when I go by a certain area by the highway my nose starts bleeding. and today, me, Simon, and his brother were playing around like looking for cool stuff in the woods and my nose started bleeding again"


"but we continued walking and it stopped then someone was calling my name, bringing me over by the place where my nose was bleeding. I don't know it was weird"

"you know they say blood falls when Sarah's near"

"who- Sarah?...oh Sarah Feir? there isn't any way you believe that shit"

"what if I do?"

"you're an idiot that's what"


"it's to fuck with kids to make them be good, I use it all the time. "be good or I'll send Sarah Feir after you" it's bullshit stuff"

"yeah sure but when the witch possesses you, I told you"

"if she does your first on my murder list" He puts his hands up in defense.

"I'm cool with that"

"you can't bring your blow-up sex doll down with you"

"nevermind then" I roll my eyes.

"and that's why you don't have a girlfriend, Ryan Torres everyone!" I say as I throw my hands up before dropping them back down.

"y/n y/l/n everyone!" He mocks. I roll my eyes and he smiles, being proud of something that wasn't even that clever. I'll let him have this one. We hear someone walking so we quickly lean back past the counter to see who's here because we thought it was just us. Martin walks by and looks at us confused.

"oh hey Martin" I say with an awkward smile.


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