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Everyone already spread out to their spots and fuck I was scared. I, Deena, and Sam are sitting on the floor surrounding the pills. I turn on Heather's camcorder and I put it on the floor facing us.

3rd person pov

Deena and Sam look at you weird.

"no ones gonna believe us we need proof" You say and they nod. You and Sam take your own piles of the pills and you both swallow them. You both quickly get affected. You let out a giggle.

"Simon was right it is like fucking a unicorn" You say with another giggle after. Deena picks up Sam's next pile of pills she shoves them in Sam's mouth while she gags and tries to spit them out.

"come on Sam" She says and she finally gets Sam to swallow them down. Deena then takes your pile and does the same to you but you swallow them much quicker. You quickly feel like your going to throw up but you hold it in. Deena watches the time while you wait for the five minutes to be up. Sam throws up her pills and starts lightly crying. "it's okay, I know I'm so sorry" You see Ryan running up behind Deena but you can't get the words out so you get hit her constantly and point. Deena turns around and she screams once she sees him. She pushes herself back and she knocks over all the pills.

"go! go!" You all hear Kate yell as she lights him on fire. Deena grabs both you and Sam as she starts running away, ignoring Kate screaming. You start to feel really fucking sick and you collapse. You give up throw up the pills you swallowed. You get dragged up by the hair and you scream. You get thrown into a shelf and you see it's Tommy Slater himself.

"why not ever Ruby" You mumble out, still trying to make jokes. You look over and see Kate fighting for her life, you would be lying if you said you didn't feel like killing yourself for what's happening to Kate or anyone else for that matter. Tommy lifts his axe getting ready to murder you. Kate's screaming stops and you see her head was pushed through a bread slicer. Right when you look back Tommy swings his axe down and you roll to your left missing the axe by inches. You get up and run down a aisle. You get to the checkout counters and you think of ways to kill yourself. You realize you have your Walkman. "let's pull a Sarah Feir" You breathe out and you put the camcorder on the counter so you can film this for evidence. you climb on the check-out counter and you stand up straight. You tie the not that you put around your neck and you throw the rest of the cord over the hanging light. You put the not over your head and around your neck. you pull the cord and it starts to lift you up but your feet are still touching the counter. You try to kick the counter over and after a while, it worked. You gag from the cord and after a second you see Sarah Feir, the tree, and the book. Since it was such a small cord it snaps and your body falls. Simon runs out from the back and he sees you. His eyes start welling up but he sucks it up knowing he'll be able to get you back after. He picks up the camera and he starts running, knowing you wanted proof of what happened tonight.

A/N: I couldn't think of any other way to kill y/n

Simon's pov

Once I get down the aisle I see Kate, or what's left of her. Me and Josh look at each other in pure sadness

"Simon!" Josh yells and I move out of the way before I can get axed in the head. Me and Josh start running and we get separated again. I grab y/n's camcorder and I hold it up so whoever sees this, probably Nick Goode can see what happened to us. Nightwing finds me and starts running down the aisle that I'm in. Just as he gets to me he turns in a bunch of flies.

"Josh get the EpiPens!" I hear Deena yell. I run over back where y/n is. Josh runs by with the EpiPens.

"Josh give me some of those!" I yell and he throws me a couple before running to Deena and Sam. I rip off the cord around her neck. I open one of the pens and I stab it into her thigh. "c'mon y/n please" I lightly hit her face. She gasps for air and sits up holding her neck. I pull her into a big hug and she cries. "you're alright I got you" She pulls away a bit.

"I love you, so fucking much" I smile big at her.

"I love you too" She kisses me and we start to hear police sirens. She looks to the side. "I'm gonna need a new Walkman" She lets out a laugh.

"I'll get you one"

y/n's pov

Simon draws something on my thigh with marker and I play with his hair. My phone rings and he groans.

"It's probably just a wrong number hold on" I say getting up. I walk over to the phone and I pick it up. "hello?" I look down at my leg and it says. Mine -Simon I give him a look and he smiles. "hello?"

"meet us at the mall now, we aren't done." Deena says.

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