After Effect

726 13 1

Credit to my friend ra1na_m0ats for the chapter name <3

"so do you have a sibling?" Simon asks. I keep the blanket over my chest.

"a little sister and two little brothers"

"lucky, I hate being a younger sibling"

"being an older sibling sucks ass it's not fun" He smiles.

"my brother makes it look easy" He draws shapes with his fingertip on my hand.

"you seem pretty easy to handle"

"I'm not" He says with a smile. I giggle and someone knocks on the door.

"Misery? are we leaving or did you pass out like everyone else. I said I'd cover you for a couple of hours not all night, your dad will kill us both" Heather says.

"I'm coming hold on"

"okay, don't bother looking for your bra it's out here" Simon let's out a laugh. I sit up but I keep the blanket over my chest. I grab my shirt and I put it on. I find my underwear and skirt. I put them on and I stand up. I just hold my shoes.

"I'll see you at school, yeah?" He smiles.

"yeah" He sits up and he pulls my chin so he can kiss me.

"we can drop you off at your place if you want?" He shakes his head.

"I'll wait for my friends" I nod.

"bye" I say before I leave. Heather flicks my bra at me and I roll my eyes.

"you really screwed him" Heather says with a laugh and I throw her my keys.

"yeah shut up. I don't diss on the boys you screwed, I could have made so many jokes about you and Ryan but I didn't"

"Me and Ryan made out once" We both get in the car and shut the doors.

"God you are actually a horrible liar" She rolls her eyes.

"so how was he?" She asks with a smirk.

"great, actually great" She turns on the car and it starts my mixtape over.


"yeah, I didn't expect him to be that experienced" She laughs and starts driving. "wait why are you driving?"

"you drank tonight"

"I shotgunned one beer, one"

"you also did like five different drugs"

"you did two"

"okay, worst case scenario I kill us both. whoopsie" We both laugh. I feel some liquid drop on my leg. I look down confused and I see a drop of blood on my thigh.

"shit!" I yell tilting my head back.


"my nose" I open the glove box and I take out a napkin. I hold it to my face, blocking the blood.

"you haven't got a nose bleed since you were five the hell?"

"I know"

"are you okay?"

"yeah, I think?"

"oh wait! what if it's some pregnancy thing" I take the napkin off my nose and I check if it's still bleeding which it isn't. I roll down the window and I throw the bloody napkin into the woods.

"he was wearing a condom" She pulls up to her house and we get out.

"yeah okay. bye, see you tomorrow" We hug each other.

"oh so now I can drive?"

"yeah as long as I'm not in there" She throws me my keys and she goes inside her house. I get into the driver's seat and I drive to my house which is only a few blocks from hers. I get inside and I sneak upstairs to my room. I shut the door and I drop my shoes, bra, and bag. I put my keys on my nightstand and I turn on my radio. I don't even bother to change my clothes.

My alarm wakes me up and I groan. I hit my hand on it until it shuts up and I sit up, putting my feet on the cold floor. I stand up and I walk to the bathroom. I shut the door and I take off my clothes. I start the water for my shower and I feel in it to check the water temperature. Once I get it at the temperature I like I get in. I take a quick shower. I turn off the water and I grab a towel.

"y/n hurry up!" Max yells and I open the door.

"chill out" I say, both Max and Noah are waiting to shower. I walk into my room and I do what I need to get ready. I walk into Daniel's room I go to the crib. "hey baby boy!" I smile and I pick up my little brother. I walk downstairs and put a box of cereal in the middle of the table and bowls and spoons. "I'm leaving you here if you're not ready in 20!" I yell.

"okay!" The twins yell. Max runs downstairs and she sits at the table. She starts to eat her cereal. I put Daniel in his highchair and I give him a small bowl of cereal that I know will end up on the floor.

"watch him," I say and Max nods. I go to the coat rack and I see my leather jacket isn't there.

"ugh come on" I mumble to myself and I walk over to the phone book. I look through until I find Jamie's house number (oc). I call it. After a couple of rings someone answers.

"hello?" Jamie asks.

"hey it's y/n, did I leave my jacket at your house last night" I tap my fingers on the wall. Noah walks down and starts to eat.

"uh no, have you tried calling the dude you hooked up with, maybe he has it"

"maybe, yeah, thanks anyways"

"no problem" I hang up. I walk back into the kitchen and I was right he spilled all the cereal. I pick him up and I drop a rag on the ground, cleaning the mess with my foot.

"thanks for the help" I say sarcastically.

"sorry" I run upstairs and I change Daniel's diaper then I put new clothes on him. I grab his diaper bag and my backpack.

"y/n I need you to sign this" Noah says handing me a permission slip. I shift Daniel to the side of my hip and I sign the paper. "thanks"

"no problem"

"it's 8!" Max yells.

"come on!" I grab my keys and we leave. I drive to Ms. Lane's house and I get out with Daniel and his bag in my arms. I knock on the door and after a couple of seconds Ms. Lane opens her door. "hello Ms. Lane"

"hello y/n, hi Daniel" She smiles and takes him and his bag.

"thank you so much for watching him"

"oh it's no big deal, I love him" I smile.

"well I gotta get going, I'll see you, Ms. Lane!" I say running back to the car.

"bye!" I get in the car and I start driving towards the elementary school. Max and Noah get out, shutting the door behind them.

"be good"

"duh" Max says. I drive to the high school. I get out of my car after I park it. Heather comes up to me.

"hey Misery" She drapes her arm over my shoulder and I put my arms around her waist as we start walking.


"oh, you sound dead"

"I am. carry me?"

"pfft, you wish" I put my head on her shoulder and she puts her head on top of mine. We get to the metal detectors and I go first. They don't find anything but my rings that I refuse to take off. Then they do Heather and they don't find anything. She puts her arm back on my shoulder and I put my arm back around her waist.

"did you know in Sunnyvale they don't have metal detectors"

"what? we aren't that bad!"

"they're probably scared someone's gonna go all witch and shoot up the school" We get to our lockers.

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